
I got piss shittied last night. Accidentally. On wine! I blame the fact that it was a Malbec instead of the Cabernet Sauvignon I'm used to. Clearly Malbec is the devil and gets me drunker than my beloved Cab Sauv. I blacked out, which I haven't done in a while. I didn't even black out during my crazy girl night a while back that left me almost dead. Gak.

Surprisingly I felt okay today. Not like death. It was one of those pleasant hangovers that I can get behind, where I just sleep a lot and want to eat and drink the world. I had to go on a pop run to my Friendly Neighbourhood Dollar Store and almost passed out while waiting in line, though. But the line was ridiculous. And I had a lot of pop, it was heavy.

Man... yeah, the entire outside world was ridiculous today. You'd think it was almost Christmas or something.

Oh, so that contract I bid on for work? Yeah... didn't get it. No fault of my own, and like I said I didn't even really want it... but it was a kick in the balls none the less. My manager is back at work on Monday... I wonder what she'll say. I wonder what she'll say about a lot of things actually... she's never been gone this long before during my time as supervisor. I hope she'll be proud of me. The place didn't explode or anything, and I'm sure there will be little to no angry emails from clients to her about me waiting for her.

Oh! So I didn't go see my parents this weekend. My ride cancelled on me. I was a little ticked, but it was a spontaneous decision to go visit when I heard he was driving up that way this weekend, so whatever. I'll be up for Christmas anyway. And then I have 2 weeks of holiday, I think, that I have to use up before the end of February... I'm sure I'll make another trip. Two weeks (although they probably won't be used all at once) of me sitting at home will only result in destruction of various sorts. I'm not real good with time anymore. I wonder now how the hell I survived all my stints with unemployment in the past. I need some kind of purpose to my life, like a job, or I will kill myself. No lie. Sometimes just a weekend is enough to drive me to the brink of desperation. It's really no good.

The Boy said he'd take me out for dinner tonight. I wonder if that deal is still on. Perhaps I should speak with him.

2013-11-30 at 5:39 p.m.