For Every Job That Must Be Done There Is An Element Of Fun

I've had far too much Strongbow for a work night. But it set me off on a spontaneous cleaning spree, so that's something.

So how did that contract bid go today? Just fine, thanks! I mean, we'll find out later if we got it, but I did my part. What's actually kind of funny is when the woman doing this called she apparently completely mangled my last name... and if you happen to know what my new married last name is, you'd be like "What?" And The Boy is the one who answered the phone, because he's the full time receptionist at work now (I guess that's another new development since my last writings...) and it's his last name too, has been his whole life, and I guess he's never heard anyone mess it up quite like that. Heh. So yeah, this was a bid by phone thing... they called up everyone who expressed an interest to find out their bid, and the lowest qualified bidder will get the contract. So I told her our bid and sounded all shiny and like I knew what I was doing on the phone... we hang up and about a minute later she calls back. She forgot what I said my bid was. So already I have loads of faith as to how this contract will be, should we get it.

Anyways, as I alluded to in my last paragraph... The Boy is the full-time receptionist at work now. Loyal readers may recall that during my last writings he was the fill-in receptionist, and just a regular drone the rest of the time. What happened, you may ask? The old receptionist got her ass fired. And good riddance to bad rubbish, is all I can say about that. She deserved what she got. And The Boy, being her backup, was offered a chance at her position and since he already knew what he was doing and proved himself rather well... well, that's how Emu and The Boy got to run this entire business, pretty much. He's like my Girl Friday. Or my Boy Friday, I guess.

My manager called me at work today, she's back in the country... and she said something that implied that she'd be in to work tomorrow. And I was like "Huh... wha.. but I thought..." I thought she was taking this whole week off. She had all of last week off as well. And I thought she was taking the whole two weeks. I'll be completely thrown off my "I own this place" game if she comes in tomorrow. But whatever. I think she should take the rest of the week off, to recover from whatever hijinks a 60+ year old woman can get up to in Vegas. She said something to me before about maybe going to see Rod Stewart in concert so... yeah. You need some recovery time after that, to get over your severe case of the vapours. She sounded friggin' happy on the phone, though. Man, I need to go to Vegas.

All I would do is play the slots and Blackjack and hit the buffets. But man, I'd probably come back sounding happy too.

Anyways, I think I can officially say that the Emu is back! Tell your friends! Man, I've missed writing in here.

2013-11-26 at 9:22 p.m.