Hibernation Mode: Activated

I've become awesome at sleeping on the floor, much like a small child or a dog is good at it. We have one of those imitation wood stoves that's just an over-sized space heater but looks classier, and I'm constantly sleeping on the floor in front of it. I never really used to do this in the old place, despite the fact that it was even colder than this place is (and this place is pretty damn cold...) So I don't know. This paragraph has no real point, I just wanted to tell you about how sleeping on the floor is now one of my favourite things.

Today has been a boat load of boring. I ate a whole bag of chips, which I'm not particularly proud of. Oh! So here's a thing I could talk about. I lost a bunch of weight for my wedding, which was great. I'm slowly putting it back on, but whatever. I'm married, I'm allowed to let myself go, right? The Boy lost weight for the wedding too and has basically put it all back on since then, so there's also that. If there's one thing we're both good at, it's the old weight lost/weight gain yo-yo. Anyways, losing weight is easy, physically. Unless they have some kind of medical condition, anyone who says it isn't easy PHYSICALLY, is lying. MENTALLY, of course, can be another story. I'm a comfort eater, as I'm sure many other people are. Ugh, I spent so much time during my weight loss just crying and whining and melodramatically stating how I was starving... not my proudest moments.

I looked great, though. Like, goddamn. I actually got to the point where my wedding dress was a little too big on me, but luckily it wasn't too obvious. Except to me. I was like "Oh god, this thing is just hanging here like a damn tarp." But it photographed well.

And hey, I still look pretty good. I've only put on like 5 to 7 pounds. And because of some of my old habits that I absolutely will not pick up again (like eating half a dozen doughnuts in one sitting... I mean, I'll still eat an entire bag of chips but whatever...) I'm not overly worried that I'll get right back up to where I was before.

I also go to the gym now! Lately I've only been averaging about 1 session a week, on Saturdays, but I hope to change that. The Boy goes in the morning before work a few days a week, but he starts later than I do so I don't think I could do the same. I'd have to get up way too early for my liking. And yeah, I could go after work but I always end up coming home and being all like "Blah!" to going out again. Especially since it gets dark so damn early these days (FUCK WINTER, btw). So I'd like to bring my gym shit with me to work and go immediately afterwards but I have yet to have that kind of coordination in the morning to actually succeed with that. And I never think to get it together the night before.

I could go get it together right now since I'm thinking about it, but I won't. You know how it is.

So, back to the grind tomorrow. Oh, work. Reading some of my older entries last night (which left me with mixed feelings...) I certainly did bitch about work and my manager a lot. Things have changed. I don't bitch as much about my job now because I'm more comfortable with everything. And either my manager has mellowed right the fuck out or I'm just more tolerant but she's actually now the person there that I have the least amount of problem with. Funny how things go. A few of my other co-workers I could gladly snap in half some days, but...

Anyways, after that bag of chips, I feel I need to make myself a hot chocolate of epic proportions. Until next time, my pets!

2013-11-24 at 5:52 p.m.