Luckily I Don't Really Own Any Sharp Knives...

Hey, only a week this time! I'm getting better!

So. I'm pretty hungover today. I got in my mind yesterday that it would be fun to get shitfaced on cider because I couldn't remember the last time I had cider. And I was originally going to do this alone, but then Capital City Guy called me and I ended up going over to his place and doing it there. All in all, this was a bad decision. We ended up fighting about stupid shit, I stormed out of his place bawling, bawled all the way home while frantically trying to call Cool Dorky Guy who never answered his phone, came home and went online just trying to find someone ANYONE to talk to but no one was around, then sent Cool Dorky Guy an "I'm sitting in bed drunk and crying and holding a knife to my wrist" message on Facebook. Because sometimes Emu is emo like that. At the time Cool Dorky Guy was on his porch ignoring his phone, but he had his iPod Touch with him and got the push notification that he got a message, read it, ran inside and called me, and calmed me down.

So basically the moral of this story is don't get drunk with Capital City Guy because, really, how many times has something along these lines happened now? Too many. And I should probably have Cool Dorky Guy around, because he is amazing at calming me down. And nothing says I wouldn't have ended up with a knife in my hand if I was just drunk alone. Apparently cider drunk is a really really horrible drunk. And I ended up throwing up in the middle of the night... it's been almost a year since I've thrown up from drinking... and today I've just been a very depressed kind of hungover, whereas usually lately I've been a content lazy hungover. So it's basically no good all around.

Anyways, drunken drama aside... I dunno. I've just been plugging away at life. More talk between Cool Dorky Guy and I about moving in together. It would probably be good for me. And we're so madly in love, it's ridiculous. We're doing so well, although I did have a little blow up at him early last week about the amount of money I've been spending on him. A lot of it is because I want to, but some of it isn't. But anyways, we're working through that. And work is starting to pick up, so money will stop being such an issue for him, at least for a while. He's filling in as receptionist all this week, so that's good for him. It's good that he'll be guaranteed hours this week. And... yeah. I love him so much... you really have no idea. I haven't seen him since Saturday morning and as lame as this is, my heart is kinda just writhing around in pain because of that. Time apart is good, but I think 24 hours is my limit. I was gonna go over to his place to have dinner with him and his sister, but we're all too hungover so that didn't happen.

Anyways, I made Jello earlier this evening... I wonder if it's set yet. I really want to eat it. I think I will wrap this up now and go check on that.

2011-01-30 at 8:21 p.m.