
So that may have been too much time spent with Cool Dorky Guy this weekend. Which, ironically, makes me long for us to move in together. Because then at least we're together but I'd feel more free to just come and go as I please. Yeah, when he left here yesterday afternoon, after us hanging out steadily since early Friday afternoon, we were acting kinda awkward... like, "I've had just about enough of you for now." But that doesn't mean we love eachother any less, right? But yeah, we shouldn't hang out steadily for that long.

I got a fair amount done after he left yesterday, though. That's one thing, at least... that sort of situtation does really propel me into being a whirlwind of productivity. I got some exercising in, and I'm pretty much finished going through all of my papers from last year and shreading anything incriminating. I'll get more done today. Hopefully I'll have a free evening. So often it seems like evenings free of Cool Dorky Guy get sucked up by Capital City Guy.

There's a crackhead singing outside. Go crackhead! I admire your spirit.

But yeah, really nothing has happened since my last entry. I've only even left my apartment once, to pick up some groceries. And how I ended up spending 50 bucks on those, I'm still not sure. You think I have anything to eat in this place now? Hell no. I don't understand. But... yeah. My time has been just kickin' it with Cool Dorky Guy, then trying to feel like a functioning human being again. We were so lazy on Sunday, it was ridiculous. Just watched TV all day. Then we both had spontaneous naps sometime during the mid afternoon... him on the loveseat that is falling apart, and me curled up on the floor infront of the fireplace. Mmm, it was nice.

But yeah, another perk of us moving in together... better furniture. Because that love seat literally is falling apart.

So I'd rather shoot myself in the face than go to work today, especially since I'm wide awake at an ungodly hour ONCE AGAIN (every night, man, every night...), but someone's gotta try and make a living. Cool Dorky Guy isn't working at all today, until God knows when. So, yeah. Blah. Stare at the computer for a bit more until I pass out, then go into work and try not to feel too brutally depressed. Should be great. Especially with the lack of sleep I'll have.

2011-01-04 at 2:06 a.m.