Twenty Eleven

12 days since my last entry? Fail.

Anyways... Happy New Year, and stuff. And my Christmas was pretty good. Went up to Nutty McShitville on Christmas morning then left on Tuesday afternoon. It was fairly uneventful, which was good. But I missed Cool Dorky Guy terribly.

Work has been depressing as all hell, as we all face the slow but certain demise of our business. It's so bad, and our manager is doing absolutely nothing to make it better. Cool Dorky Guy figures they'll probably just close our office when she retires. Which, based on the way she's been acting, will probably be any day now. So that's lovely. We really do need to start looking for new jobs. Cool Dorky Guy especially. I'm still getting close to 40 hours a week, but he's down to only working about one day a week. And that doesn't pay very well.

I am so in love, it's crazy. And we've started talking seriously about moving in together. Really big step. It probably won't be for a while, but then again those could be famous last words. I also said I wouldn't start dating him in the first place, yet here we are. But anyways, I brought up the idea of us waiting until we've been dating a full year, but what does a calendar know about how ready we are? Plus, I'm trapped in this lease until the end of November and I don't think he's overly keen on living in my apartment. I mean, it's huge and a bargain for the money, but the building is likely to go down during our next earthquake. Or even a particularly bad windstorm. I like his apartment, but it's not as good of a location as mine. Plus that would require kicking his sister out. So I dunno. We'll figure out details later.

My lack of updates lately has really sucked, and I'm sorry. I just haven't had the drive to write. But hopefully I can change that with this new year that is now upon us. It's hard to believe that I used to have to stop myself from writing in here, like, 3 times a day. But it's so good for me to have some kind of outlet. I need to take better advantage of it. Plus if I could win back my fanbase, that would be pretty sweet.

Talk to you soon, I hope.

2011-01-02 at 6:15 a.m.