I'll Have A Duff, You'll Have One Too!

Just a quick entry while I wait for Cool Dorky Guy to get here.

So we're going away this weekend. Remember Mouth? She's having a baby shower. She's, like, 7 months pregnant now, I think? But yeah, this baby shower... not in Cracktown. That would be too easy. It's, like, kinda way the hell and gone. Overall it's gonna take us, like, 5 hours to get there. But Cool Dorky Guy and I are gonna spend the night in a hotel and it should be fun. Or at least different. If I don't go insane. Emu doesn't like travelling.

Speaking of which, I still haven't decided whether or not I'm dragging my ass up to Nutty McShitville this weekend. And my sources tell me Christmas Eve is only a week away. *sigh* I just can't decide, though! I don't want to stay here and I don't want to go there... I just want Christmas not to happen. Can we have that? Please?

So one of the tech guys at work is leaving next week. And while having two full time tech guys at an office as small as our's is overkill, they still need someone who knows stuff so that they can fill in when the remaining tech guy is away. And guess who's been learning all about that shit this past week? Your's truly. It's been interesting. Different. Kinda confusing. But I think I'm getting it. And the true test will be this upcoming Thursday and Friday when I gotta handle it all alone. Man, I wish I was getting a raise for this or something.

I watched a bit of the news for ths first time in a while. Can't help but notice that the former Friendly Neighbourhood Reporter Man in Cracktown is still a stone fox. And he did a news story about beer. I like beer! I wish I had some beer right now! I totally once had beer with him too. Those were the days.

Blah, I still need to throw a couple things in a bag and call it packing. We leave pretty early in the morning. And... yeah. Should be an adventure. I hope Cool Dorky Guy gets here soon. He'll arrive whenever he's done with the gym. Lord knows when that'll be. He's become such a gym rat. Although the results are quite pleasing. Quite pleasing indeed. He says it's all for me, although I don't think that's true. But I do enjoy it.

Anyways, yeah. I'll write again in a few days, hopefully.

2010-12-17 at 7:44 p.m.