
I'm considering splurging on a Gold membership again. Mainly because I'm curious to see if anyone actually still reads my shit. Remember when I had a fan base? Man, those were the days. But I was also a whole lot of crazy back then, so therefore a lot more interesting to read. I admit I've gotten old and boring.

Speaking of old and boring... it was Cool Dorky Guy's birthday yesterday. Now he's 25, like me. And I've had to deal with his "Oh my god, I'm going to be 25 it's, like, the end of the world I'm so fucking old" bullshit for the past couple weeks. And I'm really not the person to be talking to about how 25 is so old, considering I've been it for 9 months now. And I really don't think we're old. No age is as old as it used to be, these days.

But anyways, we had a pretty good day yesterday. I spoiled him rotten, which I just really wanted to do. Then we parted ways because he wanted to have a birthday trip to the gym, and I went out for UFC with Capital City Guy. Except all we ended up seeing was half of the first fight, because the bar was having satellite issues. It's possibly the most disappointed I've been in a while. We got refunded our cover charge, but I still ended up spending a lot on booze while waiting and hoping that the thing would fix itself. So I didn't get to see the GSP fight, which I've been waiting for forever. But the people of Facebook and Twitter inform me that he's won. Which is good.

I don't know why I'm up so early. This is pretty annoying.

So I've been having fun with the money I got last weekend. I'm trying to be smart about it, but I'm being a little reckless too. Mostly I've just bought presents for people, and things I've been needing for a long time that have been too expensive. And a lot of alcohol. But whatever, that's my choice. Soon, probably in the New Year as part of some New Years Resolution or something, I'm going to put some money in an RRSP. It'll be very adult of me. Which is appropriate, because apparently I'm really fucking old.

So I dunno. I should try to get more sleep. It's way too early for me to be up, especially considering the time I got to bed. Then I don't know what I'm going to be doing today. The weather is probably going to be too shitty for me to actually want to go anywhere. Oh, except I need to get toilet paper. It's pretty much at Situation: Critical right now. Then I'll do, like, dishes and laundry or something. Then Cool Dorky Guy is probably going to come spend the night. And... yeah. But more sleep now. I'll talk to you later.

2010-12-12 at 6:35 a.m.