I Haz A Freezing To Death

Blah, my life sucks.

So you want to hear what most random thing happened on Sunday night? Emo Boy started chatting with me on Facebook. Which was kinda nice, we had a nice little chat. And he wants to hang out with Cool Dorky Guy and I in a couple of weeks. And I was so shocked that I totally just right away said I was game. And I told Cool Dorky Guy about it later, and he's always had kind of a weird curiousity about Emo Boy because they worked together for so long and even had a class together back in high school without really getting to know eachother, so he's into it too. This should be entry-worthy, at the very least.

Cool Dorky Guy and Capital City Guy continue to complicate my world more than it needs to be complicated. Cool Dorky Guy had a freakout yesterday about how Capital City Guy and I are always texting eachother, then today Capital City Guy asked me if I wanted to go to him to his work's Christmas party, which sounds frickin' wicked, and Cool Dorky Guy just about lost it when I told him. First of all, it's the same night that we're probably hanging with Emo Boy... so I probably couldn't go anyway. And while I admit that it may seem slightly inappropriate for him to ask me to, essentially, be his date... he's still my best friend, so it's not all weird. Capital City Guy needs an answer by the end of the week and he literally has no one else he could take and doesn't want to go alone and it's just like... gahh. He's actually being much more level headed about this than Cool Dorky Guy. Like, he understands why he'd be upset. Whereas Cool Dorky Guy is just like "He's trying to steal you away! I don't trust him and his intentions!" Meanwhile, I'm kinda trying to find a deserted island so I can get away from both of them.

Work is dumb. And the weather has turned everyone into idiots. OMG snow!!!! We're all gonna die!!!! And, yeah. That's all I really have to say. It's effin' cold in my apartment. I'm, like, hugging the fireplace now and I'm still freezing. I think a hot shower then curling into bed under a ton of blankets may be in order now.

2010-11-23 at 9:09 p.m.