Losing Myself

Hey. Sorry for the delay in writing, but my life has been rather consumed.

So Cool Dorky Guy is at home. For the first time in a week. Not all of that time has been here... he did spend a couple nights at his parents' dog sitting, but one of those nights I was also there. So Emu is going a little insane with Cool Dorky Guy overload. I still adore him to death, but... oh, the silence is nice.

Also... goddamn, have I ever been spending a shit ton on groceries because of that boy. Normally it's manageable but in the past 4 or 5 days I've spent over 100 bucks on food... a large portion of which has and will continue to go into his belly. Boy can eat. I don't feel like he's freeloading or anything, but I sure would like it if he chipped in again, like he normally does.

Anyways, really not much is new cuz I haven't really had a chance to do anything. I'm going up to Nutty McShitville the weekend after this upcoming one. Taking a day off work too, since it's such a pain in the ass to go up there, especially if I have zero time when I'm there. Also, I now have an electric fireplace thing, which I completely adore. Given to me by Cool Dorky Guy, because he didn't have room for it anymore. Oh, and our six month anniversary was last week. Good times. Looks like we made it. Ala Barry Manilow.

Meh. Hmm. That might be all I have to say right now. I hope I have a chance to write again in sooner than 10 days this time. But we'll see.

2010-11-16 at 9:28 p.m.