New Skin, Please.

Greetings from the spare bedroom. Cool Dorky Guy is snoring like a motherfucker, so I vacated. I couldn't get back to sleep right away, so I thought a middle of the night entry just like old times was in order. Also... Diaryland informs me it's been 8 days since I last updated? That sucks. I still am really sucking at writing in here on a regular basis.

Anyways, I guess I've been busy? I went up to Nutty McShitville for the long weekend, of course. It was alright. I saw Token Foreign friend, and also Chuckles and her baby, whom I haven't seen since the little one was only a day old. She's a cutie. Made me one want, I'm not going to lie.

I also saw Prince Albert briefly, who has written a book. I bought a copy. It's, like, a fully published book. It's supposed to be a porno/romance story. Cool Dorky Guy and I are reading it together. And it is so bad, I want to die. Cool Dorky Guy looked into the publisher and it's apparently just some company that will publish anything for the right price. I thought at first he had actually gotten some kind of book deal. But... no. This book is so shallow and so poorly written and clearly not at all edited by anyone... Cool Dorky Guy, who actually went to university for a short period of time for writing, is having fits all over the place while reading it. I plan on reading the whole thing, though, even if Cool Dorky Guy bails out with frustration and I think I'm going to be honest with Prince Albert when I'm done. Not to be mean but like... if you're going to spend, like, 1000 bucks getting your novel published GET THE FUCKING THING PROOFREAD BY SOMEONE. All of the mistakes in it seriously make me want to die.

Ugh, I'm breaking out so bad. Probably because work is stressing me out. There is so much dread in me. And no one knows what is going on with this new contract. My manager's communication skills suck so bad. I just wish she'd keep us more informed. The group of us are basically just speculating, while she just locks herself up in her office all day. I really don't want to work today. I might see about skipping out early if I can. But I probably won't.

MY SKIN HURTS. But anyways, what else is new in my life? I dunno. I kinda forgot how the air mattress in here is actually not too bad. It was my actual bed back in the Roomie days when this was my bedroom and I basically lived solely in this room. Those were dark days. But yeah, it's not too bad. I love when Cool Dorky Guy spends the night but holy mother of hell, his snoring is so bad. Some nights I can tolerate it fine but not tonight. I was afraid I was going to end up punching him in the face, so I left. But... *sigh* have I ever mentioned how much I love that man? I love him so goddamned much. I am one lucky girl to have found him. It's just really really too bad about the snoring.

Anyways... God, I'm still so awake. But I really need to try and get some sleep. Ugh, my skin. I really want to go and peel a few layers off my face. Maybe I'll do that, then attempt sleep again.

2010-10-14 at 2:03 a.m.