And I Only Kinda Want A Snack Right Now...

So after a little flip out a few days ago, I'm determined to lose weight. And it's actually going pretty well! I have eaten much healthier and considerably less the past few days, and Wii Fit for once isn't bitching at me. Well... it's still telling me I'm overweight, but I'm less overweight. Soon I'll be back in the normal category. I seriously just want to lose 10 or 15 pounds, so I have more than 2 pairs of pants that still fit me. I've done nothing but gain weight since moving to Capital City, and Cool Dorky Guy has helped that, because the boy loves to feed me. He's still just impressed, because his ex ate like a bird while I will devour anything that is put infront of me. He put on weight during the last bit with his ex, which he has maintained because of our mutual love of eating, but he's wanting to slim down now too. And he is actually very knowledgable in terms of weight loss. He did all these calculations for me today about how many calories per day I need to consume/burn in order to lose the weight I want at a good pace.

So... yeah. This is good and going well. And what else is happening in my life? Work was decent this week, mainly because my manager was off Thursday and Friday when I was supervising. Although I got pretty sweaty Friday about meeting our deadline in time, but that wasn't so much my shitty scheduling (which my manager usually does, in much the same shitty fashion) it's just that it was the wrong people. Know It All Asshole had requested the day off, and Emo Boy would have been a fabulous replacement but I'm apparently not allowed to call in people who no longer work there. So I had to resort to calling in the Soccer Mom. Who is equivalent to about half a person. Ugh, I got sweaty. But we made it. Albeit barely. We need more good people! But good people are hard to keep when they're getting approximately zero hours a week.

Oh and I didn't have to supervise Wednesday, even though my supervisor did end up not coming in, because apparently part of the Other Backup's plea bargain to get her seniority back was that she'd go back to filling in Monday to Wednesday. This pleases me. It was a fabulous surprise. I hope it stays that way.

I'm far too awake. I pounded back an energy drink at 7 this evening, which was both a good and bad idea. It was very much needed at the time, but for me to be still bouncing off the walls at midnight is very uncharacteristic of me.

Well, I dunno. I guess that's all there is to say right now.

2010-08-28 at 11:48 p.m.