Complain And Ye Shall Recieve

So you know how I was talking about the change in seniority at work in my last entry? The Other Backup complained, and ended up getting put right back where she was, right under me. I don't know why in the hell my manager caved so easily, when she felt so strongly about moving her down. So what the deal is now is that Cool Dorky Guy is actually one spot further down the list now, through no fault of his own. So he's getting fucked over for hours. I want to complain about this soooo bad, but I'm afraid someone is going to pull the "You're just upset because he's your boyfriend!" thing. Even if he wasn't, I'd still be pissed because it isn't fair. He actually has additional responsibilities and does them, unlike the Other Backup. Seriously, I kinda want this woman gone. She pisses me right off.

So yeah, needless to say, work isn't going well.

My life in terms of being able to freely purchase ciagarettes and liquor really blows right now too. I don't currently have picture ID because I renewed my license a little over a week ago and have not yet received the new one and despite being a good 6 years older than the minimum age, I am being denied all over the place. Cool Dorky Guy and I were supposed to go see his dad's band play at a bar on Friday night, but I wasn't allowed in. It was actually pretty damn humiliating. Cool Dorky Guy even played the "But my dad's the bass player!" card, but that didn't work. The fucking thing better come in the mail this week, that's all I gotta say. It's so dumb how the temporary one they give you is good enough for you to drive, but can not serve the purpose of everything else a regular drivers license is supposed to do. Ugggh.

Um... what else can I bitch about? I dunno. My apartment is a mess right now, and I desperately need to do laundry. I so have no energy for either one, though. And I dunno. Blah. Stuff. I'm starting to develop an intense dislike for my mother. It's a little bit crazy, because I've always had a pretty good relationship with her. But I'm just kinda sick of her crap. I'm supposed to be going up there for the Labour Day long weekend, but you know what? I really don't want to. So I may not. That'll learn her. Actually no, it won't. But it'll save me some money.

Anyways, enough of me. I stink, I should shower.

2010-08-22 at 10:48 a.m.