Where's My Helmet?

Hey. Here I am! And actually on my computer, which has been a rarity during the past few weeks. Isn't it pathetic that my iPod is about 1000 times the computer my actual computer is? Yeah, I think so.

Anyways... this past weekend I brought Cool Dorky Guy with me up to Nutty McShitville. And... it went well! I think. My parents didn't actually say anything to me about what they thought. But apparently my mom sent him a message on Facebook the night we left, apologising if they were too harsh on him and saying that he had been a good houseguest. Colour me surprised when he told me about that. That's kind of out of character. I think that might have been her way of saying she liked him, though. But man... I've always known this but this past weekend just really hammered home what assholes my parents are. But at least Cool Dorky Guy is super awesome and he just kinda rolled with it.

It was nice to have a three day weekend, instead of the usual day and a half like I have been having the past month or so. It's just too bad that it wasn't the slightest bit relaxing. Oh well, this upcoming weekend, even though it'll only be 2 days, should be better. Although, it will be UFC and both Capital City Guy and Cool Dorky Guy have expressed an interest in watching it with me. We're probably just going to go over to Red's place and stream it illegally online. And while Capital City Guy has calmed down and has even expressed a happiness for me and Cool Dorky Guy, having the two of them finally meet still kinda leaves me all kinds of uneasy. Someone is going to end up getting punched in the face.

So, in what is HIGHLY unusual for me lately, this is actually my second evening in a row at home alone. It's actually kinda nice. Well... last night was nice, tonight's a little bit lonely. But it's not a bad thing, Cool Dorky Guy and I do spend an excess amount of time together. Last night he went out for drinks with a friend he hasn't seen in a year and a half, and today I told him to just go home and sleep after work, because he is just beyond sleep deprived now. Then tomorrow night I'm hanging with Capital City Guy. So that'll be three evenings apart for us! Believe me, this is by far the longest we've gone since we started dating.

So work is slowing down and, like normal when this happens, people are being laid off. Most of them just temporarily, until another big project comes in or they just give up on us and find something better. Which I pretty much recommend that all of them do. However one person at work, who has actually become a friend of mine, despite her being the biggest pain in my ass when I'm supervising, was permanently laid off today. And, as is my company's policy, they didn't tell her. It's just them saying "Yeah, we'll call you when there's work" and then never calling again. Which I think is shitty. So I called her myself after I got home from work and told her. Because I think that's the very least she deserves. She has another part time job, which I think is part of the reason why she got shit canned, because she doesn't have full availability, but you gotta try to make some kind of living. She's had such shitty luck with jobs and money and I was just really choked when I heard the news today. At least she has a couple of job interviews this week, but still. I worry. Sometimes, Emu has a heart.

I hate my manager with a fiery passion. Because of all that, and also a couple other things... she's going to be gone the next two days, and just some of the bullshit instructions she left me... argh. Seriously, that woman has no idea what she's doing. And I just want to punch her in the face until she dies.

I guess that's all for now. I need to go have a shower, and clean up my kitchen because my recent attempts at cooking and baking have left the place in an even bigger mess than usual. Or maybe I should clean first, then shower. But then again... my forehead appears to be bleeding profusely now because I was scratching at the giant pimple that's been plauging me, so maybe I should cleanse myself of all this blood before tackling the kitchen.

Wow, eh? This is what happens when you leave me alone for 2 evenings in a row.

2010-08-04 at 7:02 p.m.