Toucha Toucha Toucha Touch Me!

Ugh, sorry for the lack of updates again. I keep wanting to write in here more again, but work has been insane still, and I'm spending so much time with Cool Dorky Guy, and my laziness also fits in there somewhere as well. So... yeah.

Cool Dorky Guy knows about this now, though. We were talking about writing, because he fancies himself to be one, and I mentioned how I had a blog that got me some "media attention", if you will, a few years back and that got him all curious. Now, I have a strict rule that no one who knows me can read this. I mean, it's one thing if you knew Emu-Head first, and then got to know the actual person behind it all, but it can't go the other way around. I talk about too much personal stuff in here. I did, however, read a couple excerpts to him from here, mainly my earlier impressions of him. He was amused. Reading my blog outloud, though, made me realize that my writing really doesn't have the wit that it did a few years back. This really does disappoint me. I will have to work on that.

So I bought a new toy yesterday. Kind of a "congrats for making it through the hardest stretch of your career to date" present. I got an iPod Touch. And it is hands down the greatest fucking thing I have ever experienced. It is better than my computer. I almost don't need this thing anymore. I can actually watch YouTube on there, unlike this computer where all it does is spaz out constantly. Cool Dorky Guy and I basically just laid in bed all day today, just playing with it. I was gonna try to write in here on it but the thing is really too hard to type on for something long like this. So I guess I won't get rid of the computer just yet. But goddamn. I love that iPod.

I haven't figured out yet how to delete applications, though. You can do that, right? It's just that last night I was downloading all sorts of free ones, half of which are crap. Eh, I'm sure I'll figure it out with time. Maybe that's something you need to hook it up to the computer to do. I dunno, I'm so clueless sometimes. I did download iTunes onto here, and I practically had a stroke. Man, my computer really hates it when I want it to do stuff.

So my supervisor is back to work tomorrow. This fills me with a certain amount of joy, but I'm trying not to get too excited. Just because she's back doesn't mean I'm on easy street. She doesn't know about anything that's going on. I will probably still be asked lots of questions. Cool Dorky Guy and I were talking about work today, as we often do, and I just went off about how I really really miss the days where I just went into work, did my thing, and left. No responsibilities, and no one talked to me. I mean, yeah I got paid less and also had more forced time off but... *sigh* So stress and bullshit-free. Seriously, I would KILL to have just ONE DAY where no one talked to me at work.

Hrrrmm. Tired. I think I may just wrap this up now, then play with the iPod a bit more before I pass out. Man, I love that thing. And I'm seriously not really all that interested in using it as an mp3 player. It's just a tiny little computer, mostly. Filled with awesome. So so great.

2010-07-18 at 10:16 p.m.