I'm About To Perform Surgery On Myself To Remove My Uterus

Hey, Cool Dorky Guy and I are "Facebook official" now. And there was much rejoicing.

Man, work has been bat shit insane. I clocked about 55 hours this past week. This is the most chaotic work has been in the entire time I've worked there. So many new people starting, we've run out of computers. My manager basically wants to shitcan anyone who doesn't have full availability to make room for more people who do, but I'm kind of working around that because a more experienced employee who can only work, say, 5 hour shifts is still twice as useful as a n00b who is there all day. This is getting so frustrating, and I've flipped on my manager like twice now. But I think she respects that, in a way. It's kinda weird.

Had a complete mental breakdown sparked by a few really harsh texts from Capital City Guy earlier last week. I'm just so emotional and tired from work that it just really hit me hard. And I was over at Cool Dorky Guy's place at the time, and a couple of his sister's friends were there waiting for her to get home, and I ended up just running out of his apartment bawling, with him chasing after me. So I'm hoping I don't ever have to see those people again, that was pretty embarassing. But... yeah. More friendly texts have been exchanged between us since then but... I really don't want to see him again for a while. And I don't think we should be friends right now.

Can I just say, in the TMI department, that I've had the absolute worst cramps of my life ever since I went off the pill? Christ. This afternoon... seriously thought I was going to die. I mean, I know menstrual cramps are not known to be fatal, but I was convinced I was going to be the first case. Not fun not fun not fun.

Ummmmm... what else? I dunno. I work too much. The n00bs piss me off. This one guy is just so cocky and ignorant and I just flat out don't like him and I might actually use my powers to get rid of him. My manager does want to talk to me early this week about n00bs who are not performing as well as they could be. I'm going to mention him first. I almost walked up to him on Friday and snapped his cell phone in half, because he spent so much time quite obviously texting. I mean, I text on the job sometimes too, but at least I keep it to a minimum and am subtle about it. And... yeah. It'll be more overtime from hell. At least this should be my last full week of supervising. Thankfully. Then I'll be back to just my usual Thursday Friday. Unless they decide to just keep me permanently supervising throughout this whole thing. The amount of positive feedback I've gotten is actually pretty insane. Maybe because I'm actually willing to run myself into the ground to make sure shit gets done.

Had a great weekend with Cool Dorky Guy, though. I am so hopelessly in love with that man. He's so perfect for me. The only thing is we're both so up and down, and tend to spark mood swings in the other one when we're on the low. So we both had, like, mini breakdowns in front of eachother yesterday afternoon, but that's just kinda what we do. Other than that... and actually, even including that... was just a beautiful romantic time that included Baconators and multiple orgasms. I enjoyed.

So tired and lazy and crampy today. That's all I really have to say, I guess.

2010-07-11 at 7:21 p.m.