This Is Already My Least Favourite Month Ever

Work is so very batshit insane. And I have had to talk to the president of the company twice now on the phone. Dude... just the fact that the president of the company knows who the hell I am is kinda amazing in itself, but wanting to consult with me? Emu is movin' on up. But then I decided yesterday with the chaos one of her brilliant decisions made that she's kind of a fuckin' idiot.

I went in there, working on a Saturday cuz I'm a sucker, and the evening/weekend supervisor is just freaking out all over the place, not being able to figure out what was going on and cursing all over the place about Tech Guy #1. Who totally is an idiot and makes bad calls. But it was supposed to be a time saving measure, and it completely just made things more time consuming. We were dealing with a deadline of noon yesterday and we finished literally AT noon. Now, if it wasn't for that and the fact that I had a bajillion interruptions because of all the n00bs being n00bish and various phone calls from people who don't know shit, boasting about how well things are going, and just running around trying to find things for certain unqualified people to do because Tech Guy #1, who totally should never be allowed to schedule people ever again, brought in way too many people... anyways, if it weren't for all that, we almost definitely would have finished earlier.

My near meltdown yesterday was pretty epic. I, like, yelled at Emo Boy because he is a coked up idiot and didn't notice when an entire fucking section of what he was working on was missing. When I found it and realized it was him, I went up to him and was like "DID YOU NOT NOTICE?!?" And he just stared at me like a coked up idiot caught in the headlights. Then I almost completely lost it at one of the semi-newbs, who is a super cool lady and I love her, but she's also a complete pain in my ass when I'm supervising. Like... I'm not here to babysit you, goddammit. I have shit to do and deadlines to meet. The only good thing was having Cool Dorky Guy there. Although when he passed by and I said I was thisclose to crying and running out of there, and he laughed I pretty much tore his head off. But he just didn't realize how bad things were getting, and totally apologized for that later.

I also love how my manager flipped out because both my supervisor and the other backup went on vacation starting on Friday, the same day this project started. HOWEVER, guess who else was absent on Friday? Yep. Cue my freakout. Then when she called me yesterday to boast about how great her new hires were, I was almost like "BITCH, YOU'RE NOT EVEN HERE! HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW?!" Know It All Asshole on one thing literally had to make 1500 corrections to something a n00b did. He was cursing up a storm, I could hear him from across the room. And those near him were afraid he was actually going to start destroying things. When we have to spend so much time training the newbies and correcting the newbies... it's totally totally counterproductive even having them there.

But luckily yesterday after we got up work, Cool Dorky Guy and I were able to unwind and relax and rant to eachother, then Red came over for UFC, because we decided it would be cool to order it at home for once instead of going out to the bar, and we had pizza and beer and watched the fights and it was good. Then today Cool Dorky Guy hung out until about 2:30 this afternoon and since then I've just been doing my thing. Which is not much of anything. Last week turned out to be a 6 day, 43 hour work week and this upcoming week will most likely be worse. And this will be my first week supervising all week. Oh Lord, kill me now. And with more n00bs scheduled to start... I will be a raving lunatic in no time.

2010-07-04 at 7:14 p.m.