Yep... I'm Gonna Die Next Month

So work is about to go absolutely bat shit insane again, because of the big job I mentioned in my last entry. The ball is rolling with that slightly more now. It's in the works and is due to start the beginning of next month. I'm possibly working Canada Day because of this, an opportunity I jumped at because I am a whore for money. Work being open on a stat holiday is absolutely unheard of, but we're probably going to do it because that's how big and important this project is. AND GET THIS!!!! My supervisor and the other backup are going on vacation at the same time, RIGHT as this starts. So guess who's gonna be completely in charge of keeping things running smoothly and training, like, 100 n00b temps? Emu, of course.

So I'm probably going to completely burn myself out with this, just like the last big project that I somehow ended up incharge of, with all the stress and bullshit and newbies and deadlines and overtime. The good thing is, though, that Cool Dorky Guy is going to work all the overtime we throw at him too, so at least when I run out of there screaming, he'll probably follow me.

And yeah, things continue to go AMAZINGLY well with him. One tiny little thing is... okay, the guy has had a beard the entire time I've worked with him. But then a couple days ago, on a whim, he toyed with the idea of shaving it off. And I was like "OMG, do it!" because I've seen older pictures of him on Facebook without the beard and he looked absolutely beautiful. But now... oh, the beard can't grow back fast enough. I mean, he still looks great but... I dunno, not as good as in the pictures of him when he was younger. He's put on weight since then and the beard kinda makes his face look slimmer. He's still gorgeous, though, don't get me wrong. And I do kinda like how babyfaced he looks now. But he's working on growing the beard back. I think he prefers it too.

And, like... I've started smoking more because of him. But I swear, this is the only bad thing that's come out of our relationship. We're both casual smokers, but he does it slightly more often than once in a blue moon like I have and yeah, it's starting to rub off. We're both quite big fans of flavoured cigarillos. They're just nice. But the most I've ever smoked is three in a day, so I hardly need to go on the patch or anything. But it's something I'm keeping an eye on, just incase it does start to become a problem.

He's inspired me to start lifting my little weights again, because he's big into weightlifting and is starting to really get into it once more after a hiatus. I'm starting to see a bit of definition in my arms again, and his are just absolutely insane. I mean, they were always big but now it's like... goddamn. He can pick me up and even toss me like I was a child with absolutely no problem, and it's just pretty much impressive all over the place. He's going to the gym several times a week now. He got pretty depressed for a while, lost interest in that, and put on weight but it's kinda cool how he's all gungho on getting fit again. Props to him, and all that. And I'm totally fine on just lifting my little 5 pounders a bit every day or two, and doing a short exercise DVD when I'm in the mood. It's kinda fun being all crazy in love and wanting to be at your best.

Anyways. Not a whole lot planned for this weekend. I'm just taking it easy tonight alone at home, which is kinda nice. Picked up some beer, and I'll probably be in bed by 10. This is the life, I'm tellin' ya. I know how to party.

2010-06-25 at 7:50 p.m.