My Life Is Filmed Before A Live Studio Audience

You want to hear about how my life continues to be a movie? You wanna know how many times in the past week Capital City Guy has driven past Cool Dorky Guy and me while we've been out walking? Three frickin' times, man. If I were any more paranoid than I am, I'd swear he was stalking us. But I know he's not. It's just been a series of really really weird coincidences. I am seriously starting to wonder how much longer my friendship with Capital City Guy will last. Maybe we're not capable of being JUST friends. I dunno. We'll see, we'll see. I'm supposed to be hanging out with him Sunday evening. So... we'll see.

But things with Cool Dorky Guy continue to go swimmingly. I'm actually at home alone tonight for freakin' once, because it's his sister's birthday. You know... I'm really not too sure what to make of his sister. She kinda embodies everything that makes me want to punch someone in the face. But she seems to get along with her brother really well and that's awesome so I'll refrain from the face punching. But goddamn. Goddamn.

Work is starting to slow down. A couple of the new people have been cut. I hate the way they do that at work, they always say "We'll call you when we need you", never intending to actually call. I just wish they'd be fucking upfront about it so these people don't hold on to false hope. Oh, and this morning I had to yet again deal with homeless people sleeping infront of the front door at work. This is the fifth time now, and it seems to only happen when I'm opening. And today it took the two of them, like, 10 minutes to gather up their shit and leave so I could get in. Highly annoying. I feel sad that these people don't have a proper place to sleep, but... goddamn, find somewhere new. The one guy... I swear it's been him every time. This time he shook it up by having an equally cracked out chick with him, though. But he should fuckin' realize by now that every time he sleeps there he gets woken up by me at 6:45 and maybe he should find a place that doesn't open so early. Just a thought.

*sigh* Man, it's nice to have spent this evening alone. I mean, I love every minute spent with Cool Dorky Guy but... maaaan, I love my alone time. It is so desperately needed almost always. I had a nice long walk this evening, went to a couple of different malls, spent money I shouldn't have been spending... I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

I guess I don't have much else to say... but I will write again soon.

2010-06-04 at 10:25 p.m.