My Life is Just Really Really Too Funny

Want to hear something funny? Okay, so Cool Dorky Guy's ex-girlfriend... Last day in town, feeling kind of shitty, at the grocery store just picking up a couple little things... decides to give a big old smile to the next person she walks by to make herself feel better, possibly the random stranger feel better... Do you see where this is going? What are the FUCKIN' odds? I almost shat myself. Chick who thinks her boyfriend was cheating on her with me randomly flashes me a big ol' smile before it registered with her who I was. Have I ever mentioned how my life is a fuckin' movie? I swear to God.

But yeah, she supposedly left town today. I have so many mixed feelings about this. I can't help but feel like I may have sped up their break up process but at the same time... they did need to break up. And I didn't do anything. But like I said in my last entry, apparently I'm a master of breaking up other people's relationships, merely by my existance. Now THAT'S power, man.

So I'm finished my overtime from hell week now. I ended up logging, like, 55 hours of work this week. This is intense for me. I've definitely turned into a workaholic this week. I might also possibly get in shit for not taking as many breaks as I'm supposed to. But oh well. Stuff has to be done and I swear, everything just ends up falling on me. My manager did come up to me yesterday and say that I did a good job this week, though. I almost shat myself. Yeah, I almost shat myself a few times yesterday. But positive feedback, coming from this woman... damn near a once in a lifetime event. And I'm not gonna lie, it kinda made my day.

So I hung out with Cool Dorky Guy for the majority of the afternoon, after our shift today. He was in a bizarro headspace, since today is the first day that he is officially a free man. He had very mixed feelings. I felt it too. But we spent the afternoon together just hanging out, and I think we made eachother feel a lot better about life again. We have a tendency to do that to eachother. It's a very positive relationship that we've started building here. And things almost got really interesting but... I'm not gonna fuck the guy on his first day of official singlehood. That's, like, something Emu-Head circa 2007 would do. Present day Emu-Head has slightly more self control. Slightly. Well that and I'm also having my period right now. That definitely helped with my self control in this department, I will admit.

So. I think I'm just gonna finish the beer I just cracked open, then head to bed. Tomorrow, if I have the energy, I'm gonna go try to find a hammock to buy. Have I mentioned this in here? I'm determined to buy a hammock. Like, one that comes with a stand... not one you just tie between two trees. Cuz my balcony is huge, and there's nothing on it. A hammock would be epic. I would sleep out there all summer. ALL SUMMER. So, yes. My overtime money is going towards said hammock purchase. It will be good.

2010-05-15 at 10:57 p.m.