Currently to Blame for Ruining Two Relationships... Possibly More

Update on the Cool Dorky Guy front. His girlfriend is not only moving out of his apartment but also out of the city this weekend. Cue the most giddy Cool Dorky Guy I have ever experienced. Eh, it'll be good but also hard for both of them. I feel for this girl, even though I don't know her at all and she at least partially blames me for their breakup. A lot of change thrown at her at once. Hopefully things work out for her. And Cool Dorky Guy is just making all these plans for being a swinging bachelor for a while. He's so funny. It's been great hanging out with him every day so far this week for our breaks. And not just because a brief makeout session each day has helped brighten my afternoon. But yeah, that's nice too.

Emo Boy's status on Facebook is implying that he's going back to his old job. I dunno if he's going to be doing both or if he's quitting this one... I hope if he quits this one he at least holds off for a bit, cuz we're fuckin' swamped right now. But after that... yeah, it would be good if he had a job that was a bit more reliable in terms of hours. So we'll see what happens with this.

But work... fuckin' holy hell mother of God. Something that hasn't even happened since I started working there: overtime. Did half an hour of it yesterday, three fucking hours of it today... and did I actually agree to another three hours of it tomorrow, as well as a shift on Saturday? Christ, it's gonna kill me. But mad mad wicked money. I've decided I want a hammock, because my balcony is huge and I want to make use of it this summer. A hammock would be magical. And with all this overtime, I could quite easily afford one. It'll just be a matter of getting it home. But probably I'll be able to find a decent one that will fit in Capital City Guy's car.

Oh, and speaking of Capital City Guy... apparently not only have I ruined the relationship of Cool Dorky Guy and his crazy girlfriend, I have also ruined the relationship between Capital City Guy and Hobo. Just by, you know, being alive or something. I'm not sure what Hobo's reasoning is. But anyways, apparently that's why she's now rejecting him all over the place. Because I'm somehow in the way. Uh... 'kay. Do I have to remind you that you are also best friends with your ex and it's not actually that weird? Plus you even live with the guy. AND ALSO... bitch, you have a BOYFRIEND. Personally I think that ruins your relationship with Capital City Guy more than I do, just basically being an innocent bystander right here. So I'm all "Bitch, please!" to yet another crazy bitch who be hatin'. So many bitches be hatin'.

My brain is some kind of melted right here. Apparently an 11 hour shift kills me. And I get to do it again tomorrow? JOY!

2010-05-12 at 8:59 p.m.