Oh... Oh Dears

So. Cool Dorky Guy. We hung out all of yesterday afternoon. Had lunch, wandered, talked. Guy is going through so many issues right now with his girlfriend. He wants to break up with her, but he's kinda torn because it's hard to just throw away 4 and a half years of a relationship. Plus they live together, which just makes things even more complicated. But he seems pretty sure that they can't be fixed. But, yeah. It seems pretty ugly and he's very conflicted. I also realized just how emo he is, haha. Maybe HE should be called Emo Boy. But he doesn't look emo at all. Whereas Emo Boy is the stereotype.

Tomorrow should be good at work, lots of people got called in. Today no one was in. Things should be really picking up soon, though. The manager has been inverviewing a shit ton of people. Next month is supposed to be absolutely insane.

I haven't seen Capital City Guy since last Thursday but he continues to piss me off oh so very much. A few text messages were exchanged yesterday where, of course, he commented on how I must be depressed because I'm withdrawing so much from him. Um... actually when I start withdrawing, that means I'm doing pretty damn well. Ugh I'm so pissed off at him, the grief he gives me. I called him this evening because Temp Roomie invited a friend over and I just kinda wanted to escape from that, but he was busy and he was all "I will call you tomorrow after work so we can hang out." And I was all "Um... tomorrow?" Then we got into a little arguement because he said that we agreed on that last night during our text message conversation. "Check your texts, it's in there!" It ain't in there, buddy. And personally I feel like tomorrow is too soon to see him. I might, for one of the first times ever, flake out on him. Glee is on tomorrow anyway. That is more important.

I am officially at the least amount of desire I have ever had to have even the slightest bit of anything to do with that man. Wow, that sentence is messed. But it's the best way I can accurately describe how I'm feeling.

So I'm hiding out in my bedroom this evening. Temp Roomie knows I haven't been feeling at my best the past couple days, so she understands. Last night I was kinda... well, I dunno. Depressed because of Cool Dorky Guy, angry at Capital City Guy, and just kinda in a strange headspace. So I ended up drinking 8 beers, which is more than I usually drink even on a weekend. So I was not quite at my greatest today. It was pretty bad. That was pretty stupid of me.

Meh. I should crash soon. Tomorrow is another day! Hopefully a better one. I'm just happy so many people are working tomorrow. Hopefully it'll be full shifts for them. Cool Dorky Guy, Know It All Asshole, Emo Boy... the old gang! Yay! Heh. Or something.

2010-04-26 at 9:05 p.m.