Stupid Stupid Stupid Stupid

Got my computer back! It is fixed and working as mediocrly as ever.

SO. I'll be goddamned if I'll go down this path again, but conversations with Cool Dorky Guy are getting, um... interesting. I think in a way it's because our job is so independent and you can see somebody so much without ever really talking to them at all that such an air of mystery can be built up, and you just become so curious. Also... the guy has been with his girlfriend for like 4 years and IMHO, that's such a super hella and unnaturally long time for someone our age to be with the same person. Not that in our now many hours long Facebook conversations he has mentioned his girlfriend AT ALL. I just remember that from his status a few months back. You gotta live and experiment and enjoy life before settling down like that, though. Anyways... despite signs that this could possibly go somewhere, I don't think it actually will. Or if it did, I would have serious issues with it. Oh, the drama of getting involved with yet another co-worker... and a taken one, at that. Sure would provide me with some great material for in here, though.

Hanging out with Red on Sunday afternoon was a lot of fun, and we also ended up going to see Kick Ass Monday night with his friend, the other former co-worker of mine. I really like Red a lot, but I am so not in the slightest attracted to him. I was trying to figure that out on Monday night when we were on the bus home but... yeah, I don't think I've ever been just so really liking a guy as a friend without the sliiiiightest bit of attraction in any other way.

Capital City Guy continues to piss me off all over the place. I haven't seen him since Saturday morning, and our communications have been minimal since then, but they were still enough to piss me off. I texted him Sunday morning with a question and... nothing. So Monday night I texted him again and he was all "Oh sorry, I completely forgot to get back to you on that. I was busy all day Sunday then worked all day today." You couldn't have replied to it when you read it Sunday morning? Would have taken, like, 2 seconds. And his "busyness" on Sunday was going on YET ANOTHER hike with Hobo. Meanwhile he's been saying he was going to take me somewhere, and never has. He's kind of the king of empty promises, and he keeps proving this. I'm tired of being CONSTANTLY DISAPPOINTED by him. I mean, when he's great he's great but there's just so many little things that keep piling up. I don't need this. No one else in my life right now disappoints me as much as he does.

The Rich American is going to be coming to see me again next month, I'll just get him to take me somewhere scenic. And if Capital City Guy actually asks me to go hiking, I'll tell him that. Oh, plenty of fish in the sea. And some of them are foreigners with money.

Wow, you know... Even though I feel so brutally alone, like every paragraph in here was about a different guy with a certain amount of potential. But... ugh. It's hard being the Emu. Nothing feels right in my life right now.

I should try to get a bit more sleep before I gotta get up for work. A work that will be sadly void of a Cool Dorky Guy today. Or maybe that's a good thing. I dunno. Bah, I don't want to go to work anyway.

2010-04-21 at 5:13 a.m.