Don't You Know That This Oxygen Is For Those Who Have Earned It?

So I'm reasonably sure Capital City Guy and Hobo are seeing eachother again. Or at least hanging out on a several times weekly basis. And I also know he's not really talking about it. I basically question that guy's judgement all over the place. At least she has a job now, though. Or will be starting it tomorrow. You know... walking around downtown and seeing all the help wanted signs, and even one place that had a sign saying "Closed due to lack of staff" sign next to their help wanted sign, I kinda wonder what in the hell her problem was. Now I'm normally sympathetic to job hunting woes because boy oh boy I have been there but... not in a city like this. I mean, the job market here isn't great but I saw more help wanted signs in one day while walking around downtown than I saw in an entire year of job hunting in Nutty McShitville.

I basically can't get the idea out of my head that this girl is a complete waste of skin. But, you know, as long as I don't have to deal with her too often or hear too much about her, I'm fine.

Oh so UFC night on Saturday was alright. Capital City Guy eventually decided that Red wasn't so bad afterall. The fights kinda sucked, though. But I basically had a good time. Capital City Guy and I got a little snippy with eachother, but ended the night on a positive note and we hung out this evening and it was also pleasant, so that was good.

Work blows. Continues to be slow. And I pretty much did call too many people in for Monday, as I figured. My supervisor didn't say anything to me, though, and did let everyone I called in work a full shift but, yeah, I would say it was about one person too many. And that one person too many was, in fact, Emo Boy. I debated whether or not to call him in and eventually decided to, simply because it had been over 2 weeks since he last worked and I felt bad. But he probably should not have been there, and probably has no idea that I did him a favour there. Bastard. But then today it was back to pretty much the bare minimum of staffing, with the three of us eventually deciding to leave a bit early. Tomorrow it'll be just me and my supervisor. I overheard, just before I left for the day, the manager calling the other backup supervisor, telling her not to come in tomorrow. I'm pretty sure she must absolutely hate my ass. Even more than the others do. If that's possible.

And in closing, if I may make a book suggestion... Bright Shiny Morning by James Frey. My new all time favourite book. I just finished it last night, it was AMAZING.

But yes, I should sleep now.

2010-04-13 at 11:07 p.m.