I'm Not Your Girlfriend, I Shouldn't Have to Spend Time With and Pretend to Like Your Family


So I spent Easter weekend in Cracktown and Nutty McShitville. Capital City Guy was going up to Cracktown to see his family and offered me a ride. It involved me spending a night at his parents' house. We went up Friday night and they were having lunch with family in Nutty McShitville on Saturday and I caught a ride with them to my parents' place when they went up for that. I pretty much spent as much time, if not more, with Capital City Guy's family as mine. This kinda pissed me off. Cuz on Sunday after my parents dropped me off in Cracktown, I ended up spending more time with his family. I practically had to fake a seizure to get him to finally take me home.

We had been invited to stay EVEN LONGER in Cracktown and have dinner with his mom and step dad to meet, get this... his stepbrother's ex-girlfriend's new "it's complicated". ARE YOU SHITTING ME?! When Capital City Guy added this as a "Oh btw" text message when I was on my way down to Cracktown, I was basically like "Oh HELL to the NO". I had to work this morning, Easter Monday is not a holiday for non-union slaves such as myself, and I was gonna be damned if I was gonna get home at ass o'clock Sunday night just so I could meet someone I couldn't possibly give less of a shit about meeting, and have yet more extremely awkward time with his parents. So I said if he was wanting to go to that, I was taking the Greyhound home. He decided to skip it too.

I don't mean to sound like a bitch or anything (or maybe I do), but being in very very awkward situations for so long really takes a lot out of me. And I almost died on Friday night when we ended up going to his friend's place, who was having a big get together, and Capital City Guy in his usual Capital City Guy style completely ignored me, as did everyone else. And I'm not the kind of person who can inject myself into a conversation with people I don't even know, unless one of them at least makes eye contact with me first. Eventually one of his friends took pity on me and gave me wine and talked to me a bit, and I started to feel a bit better. A bit. I still pretty much wanted to cease to exist the entire time I was in Cracktown, though.

The time I actually got in Nutty McShitville was so not even worth this. Not worth it at all. And I kinda knew that when this offer was put out to me but also I know how long periods of time without going to Nutty McShitville does tend to make me spiral into a deep incurable depression, so I didn't really want to turn down an offer to go home, no matter how short it was.

Work is slow and blows. Today was the most pathetic day yet. Majority of people haven't been called in in weeks now. I'm tempted to send Emo Boy a message all like "Dude... you should find a new job" because I can't see this getting better any time soon and, goddamn me, I still worry about some of these people who I know depend on this undependable job. I semi-heard my supervisor call in two people for short shifts for tomorrow... going by the order of seniority, that would be Cool Dorky Guy and Know It All Asshole. I feel guilty as fuck that I'm still getting full hours (except for Wednesday, when I chose to leave early) through all this. I also feel like my manager should be absolutely hussling her ass trying to get us a new contract so we don't end up losing EVERYONE during this dry spell. This is pathetic and depressing.

Temp Roomie continues to go fairly well, I guess. She was alone at my place all weekend while I was gone, and today as well because she had the day off, and just absolutely deep cleaned the place. I'm semi-embarassed but mostly pleased. Looks pretty awesome now. Not that it was all that bad to begin with, because I cleaned up pretty well before she got here. But she was bored and... yeah. This isn't a bad thing. I have a feeling my next internet bill is going to be through the roof, though. I'm pretty sure I told her before but perhaps I should casually mention it again that with the stick, I pay by how much I use. And I'm pretty sure she's been watching videos online and she said something about downloading something yesterday... My heart weeps just thinking about that bill.

I napped a large part of the evening, so lord knows when I'll actually get to sleep now. Joy.

2010-04-05 at 10:10 p.m.