You want to hear about my past few days? Okay, so I've been talking to this guy in the States on and off for a few years now. He's essentially not that far from here, and we've been talking more and more lately and... well, he came to see me. And he spoiled me rotten. Cuz, like, I didn't realize this before because it never came up in conversation and he doesn't like to brag about it, but... the guy has money. Well, like... his family does. And since he's going to school right now, they are literally throwing money at him, paying his tuition, room and board, giving him spending money. So he has money to burn. And he did. He took me out for dinner a few times, bought me beer, took me to touristy places and paid for it, gave me a few late birthday presents. Pretty crazy. Pretty good times.

And things were getting a little interesting last night... Like, he stayed in a hotel his first night here, but last night I said he could stay here. I made him sleep in the other bedroom, though. And we didn't have sex. But some other stuff happened and it was kinda really fun. Making out with a guy who isn't Capital City Guy... yay, a step in the right direction! So yeah, he left this morning and is back home now, and I promised I'd come see him soon. I need a passport first, but I was gonna do that in the near future anyway because I've been toying with the idea of going to Vegas sometime this year. Hell, this guy would probably take me to Vegas. Not sure if I'd want him to... He already said he'd take me to LA if I wanted, because he has family there we could stay with. So, um... whoa. Serious developments in my life the past few days.

Work is so crazy slow. Still, like, no one working. Man, I'm lucky I moved up the ladder as rapidly as I did, or I'd be seriously hurtin' right now. But then again if I hadn't, I wouldn't currently be living alone in a 2 bedroom apartment. So maybe I'd end up breaking even. Hard to say. But yeah, until further notice the other backup supervisor isn't even working, because it's so dead. So yeah, I'm next on the chopping block but I probably won't get cut unless absolutely nothing comes in one day. The past couple days have been nice because the receptionist (who is guaranteed hours and who I don't particularly like) is on holidays and her backup, Cool Dorky Guy is filling in and getting hours he wouldn't get otherwise. And I freakin' love that guy, he's hilarious.

A fair amount of stuff came in today, so I had to call Emo Boy in. What a douche. Anyways, he left on his lunch break and said to Cool Dorky Guy at the reception desk "I'll be back." And Cool Dorky Guy was like "Awesome" in a tone that sounded rather sarcastic to me, and I just burst out laughing. Then he looked over at me and was like "What? Don't laugh at me!" And I was like "Is he actually awesome, though? Do we actually need him?" And he was seriously like "[Emo Boy] is pretty awesome, come on." And, like, the manager's office door was open when all this was going on and I just thought shit, she's gonna drag me in there like the time I jokingly asked Cool Dorky Guy to phone people for me, thinking I was serious. Although I actually was serious in this case. But luckily she never said anything to me. But goddamn, I need to really start watching what I say when she's around.

So I'm trying to clean, do laundry, do dishes... I clearly got sidetracked just now to write this entry. But yeah. I need to get the place cleaned up, Temporary Roomie arrives tomorrow. Last night of living alone for a month or so. And I'm gonna spend it with Capital City Guy. We haven't seen eachother at all this week, which is out of character for us. And I think his little nose was out of joint the past couple days when I've been unavailable. But hey, he's always said we need seperate lives and seperate friends. I'd like to see him tonight, though, so he's coming over here after he's off work. We'll have a few beers and... yeah.

Anyways, I don't remember exactly what time I put those clothes in the washer but they might be done now, and I want to get to them before some crackerhead in my building steals them.

2010-03-26 at 3:51 p.m.