All Good Things Must Come To An End

So nothing really has been happening during my time in Nutty McShitville but at the same time, everything has been happening. I've mainly just been hanging out. Haven't seen Token Foreign Friend again since Sunday. We were supposed to go visit Chuckles and baby at home some time this week, but that appears to have not happened. I dunno. Stuff happens, and whatever. I haven't really been feeling people for most of the time I've been here.

I went out for St Patrick's Day last night with a girl I used to work with but have never hung out with one on one before, and actually had a really good time. I got quite violently ill later, and have been a lethargic but otherwise not too bad hungover all day today but it was worth it. Lots of fun. And at one bar I got asked to dance by this one guy who, holy crap, looked a hell of a lot like Squinty. Long time loyal readers will remember the never ending gong show that was Squinty. But yeah, this guy was hella cute and lives in Capital City too, and frequents my favourite bar there, so it's possible I'll see him around.

So tomorrow is my last full day here, then Saturday morning I go to Cracktown for the day, then go home that night. I'm not huge on any of this. Call me a bad friend or whatever, and maybe this is just because I've been feeling anti-people in general all week, but I've lost all desire to hang out with Mouth. I'd rather spend that time here with my family. HOWEVER, I'm still gonna go and will probably have fun. And I'm just generally depressed that this week has gone by so fast and I will soon be back in the rut that is work, sleep, eat, Capital City Guy, repeat.

I spent a large part of the evening napping, so now I'm wide awake but also very lazy. So I dunno. I should probably attempt sleep again soon so that I can wake up at a halfway decent time in the morning. Instead of at noon like I did today. Stupid alcohol! But, um... yes. I'm very sad that I have to leave soon, but it's been a good week and I'm glad I did this.

2010-03-18 at 10:47 p.m.