Ohhhhhh Noesssssss

So. Capital City Guy broke it off with Hobo. Colour me mixed. We hung out tonight and he was talking to me about it... and he basically said word for word what I've been saying about her in here. That she's freeloading, not trying at all to straighten out her life, taking advantage of everyone. So in a way I kinda saw this coming, because I figured he had an issue with that and The Male confirmed it a few times. So I was genuine and sympathetic, I was like "That's too bad, because I think she's a nice girl, but I agree with what you've said and I understand why you have such a problem with it."

So I felt decent about this... a little sad, a little relieved... mixed, like I said. And then he had to throw in "Plus, I've been missing you because we don't see eachother as much. She's been getting in the way of that. And I've been thinking and I don't feel right about seeing two people at the same time, and I really love you." I really wish he hadn't brought me into that. At least it wasn't his primary reason, but still it's like... gah. I was pretty honest, though, I was like "The last thing I want is us to be holding eachother back from something better. As long as we stay friends. I think you'd agree that we make much better friends than we did a couple." And he kinda half agreed with me. But, it's like... on the off chance that that someone better comes along for me... hell yeah, I'm jumping on that. White on rice, baby. White on rice. And, like, I was seeing Emo Boy last summer not very long after we broke up and we were still in a really kind of awkward phase and I didn't think anything of it. Maybe I'm just really self-centered or maybe I've just been hurt by him too many times but... I'm not throwing my life away for him. And I honestly don't want him to throw his away either.

Anyways, I gotta get up in, like, 7 hours for work so I should probably head to bed. I just had to write quickly about this. Significant news, and all. And the drama... just keeps getting better.

2010-03-10 at 10:19 p.m.