You Piss Me Off, I Make Your Nickname Less Flattering

Cool Dorky Guy called in sick again yesterday, but Cute Emo Boy made his triumphant return. And by that, I mean he showed up with a buzz cut. When I let him in, I just blurted out "Holy shit, what did you do to your head?!" He was just like "Oh. Yeah." in his sullen emo way. But, you know... praise the powers that be who continue to make him less attractive to me looks-wise, personality-wise... everything-wise, really. I'm thinking he should be downgraded to just Emo Boy. Yeah okay, it's official. Cute Emo Boy is now just Emo Boy.

But anyways, my manager yesterday? Could have GLADLY killed her. Woman came flying out of her office, like she often does, stormed up to the one tech guy and was litterally like "Is that thing done? That thing? THAT THING?! IS THAT THING DONE?!?!?" She didn't even know what the hell this thing was, and neither did the tech guy who just stared at her with deer in the headlight eyes. And finally I was like "Um... you mean this?" And motioned to a stack of papers next to me. And she's like "YES! GET ON IT!" and stormed back into her office. And she is just such a horrible bitchy woman with no respect for anyone. Like we have 4 new people... she hasn't even bothered to learn their names. If she's talking to me about one of them, she either points, if she can recognize the person she means, or says their employee number, if that's all she knows. Pisses me off. Like I'm not good with names, but I took the time to learn all of their's. They are people, not just a number or "That guy right there."

Also, because we just lost that big contract... these new people are most likely all going to be laid off at the end of the month. One of them came up to me yesterday and told me that the manager had told him that she expects him to work 40 hours a week until then. And I pretty much flat out told him that was bullshit. None of us are required to work 40 hours a week because none of us (with the exception of the manager, receptionist, and tech guys) are full time. And especially with him getting laid off soon, I was just like "You don't owe us anything. We can work this around your other job, it's not a problem." I just can't believe that woman's nerve. I seriously can't.

Hung out with Capital City Guy last night. More general confusion on, I think, both our parts. Like I can have such a good time with him and feel so great about our friendship, but then after I leave and start to really think about things I'm just like "THAT FUCKER!" I think, to a degree, he takes me for granted. He thinks I'll always be there. I don't really think that's necessarily true. Also, he clearly still has a jealousy issue with me and The Male and me and... oh, basically anyone who isn't him. But yet when he said something about how Hobo is basically just staying at his place now, and I was like "I noticed" in what could be interpretted as a slightly bitchy tone, he was just like "Pfft. Women." I mean yeah, I'm a bit jealous in some ways but I think I've handled my jealousy a hell of a lot better than he's handled his. I understand his attraction to her, and also his underlying desire to save people who need saving, but she's no better for him than I was and there's a lot of potential for ugly.

They went hiking today, or some shit. I've never been one for hiking, myself. And he's never been one for walking around the city, like I enjoy doing. The two of them do share a lot of common interests that him and I never really had. However, she's been back in Capital City for, like, a month now and she still doesn't have a place to live or a job. She's either doing something wrong, or she doesn't have a lot of desire to straighten herself out.

Anyways, I'm doing nothing tonight, nothing tomorrow... life is grand and uneventful. Eh, it'll pick up. Or at least be uneventful in a different location when I go to Nutty McShitville for a week.

2010-03-06 at 3:52 p.m.