Could Life BE More Of A Mess?!

Yeah okay, so um... DO YOU WANT TO HEAR ABOUT HOW DISASTEROUS MY GET TOGETHER WITH HOT TEMP GUY WAS?!!?!?! I swear... he was on coke. He was always a little weird before... but he was a new kind of weird last night, and he went to the bathroom often enough that I was kinda starting to get suspicious. And, like... I couldn't follow ANYTHING he was talking about. I was starting to question my own sanity and sobriety. But... no, I'm pretty sure he was on something. So, um... even though I kept my expectations for this pretty damn low, I still managed to be disappointed. So now I'm temporarily depressed and writing off people forever.

And oh my god, work yesterday was disasterous too. Cute Emo Boy and Cool Dorky Guy both called in sick for the third day in a row. Both sounded ultra pathetic on the phone. Both kinda pissed me off. I have little to no patience for people who call in sick to work. I'm a sickly little person myself, but I still go to work when I'm sick cuz I'm a little trooper. I basically only call in "sick" or leave "sick" if I'm having an emotional problem. But anyways, maybe that's just me.

Then I found out that we just lost a HUGE contract that is potentially devistating for all of us. And I was so much in shock that I actually texted Cute Emo Boy about it. Goddamn that staff phone list being right next to me. He never replied so he probably doesn't care and still hates me, miserable little faggot, or he died... but I couldn't be that lucky. Then later I sent Cool Corky Guy a Facebook message about it, and he at least replied confirming my belief that it was really really not good. Then I ended up trying to teach a couple of the new people this thing that I barely know myself, and I neglected to mention a couple important things that slipped my mind and, of course, the receptionist... who already thinks I'm a colossal idiot... is the one who picked up on it. So I basically wanted to die all over the place all day yesterday. Typical Thursday, I guess.

Hobo's status on Facebook right now is basically "Woe is me, I'm too skinny" and I kind of want to punch her in the face.

Wow, I should try to get some more sleep. I'm gonna be messed for work in the morning. However, that being said... I often feel worse in the morning if I've had a decent night of sleep. Probably because my body isn't used to it. Eh, but I still don't really want to risk passing out at work from exhaustion. That would probably make my day that much worse.

2010-03-05 at 1:37 a.m.