I Remember When... I Remember I Remember When I Lost My Mind...

Okay so I've had a slight problem with my laptop for, like, months now. It, for whatever reason, refuses to acknowledge the fact that there are wireless networks in its presence. And, it's like... It's not a huge deal, because I have the mobile internet but sometimes I like to grab some wireless from somewhere to do some downloading. That can get a little pricey with the stick. So I've kinda mentioned this to Capital City Guy a couple times and he's said something that I didn't really understand because I'm not great with computers. So last night I sent him a text all like "If I bring you my computer, can you do whatever it is that needs to be done to fix this problem?"

And apparently sometime between me last seeing him Saturday morning, and texting him Sunday night, he somehow became an even bigger idiot. "What's it doing?" Um... I've told you 10,000 times what it's doing. "It would help if you had a usb drive, I could download and put some new drivers on there for you." I fucking have a usb drive, you have downloaded and put shit on there for me on numerous occasions now. "I'm not very good with laptops, maybe we could get [Hobo] to help, because she has more experience with wireless." You know what, fuck Hobo and her "experience" with wireless.

Then he calls me, apparently while trying to fix a problem with his own computer, to talk about this in more detail. And I'm basically like "WTF, why are you calling me now?" Meanwhile he's also having a conversation with Hobo (who, surprise surprise, is sponging off him again/still) about both his computer and my computer and the best advice she can come up with for me is "Well, did you try refreshing it?" YES, simple bitch, that was the first thing I tried. Then Capital City Guy, after about 5 seconds of silence while I'm just trying to contain my shit about how dumb this whole phone conversation has been, was like "Oh sorry if I'm gapping on you, I've just got my head inside my computer right now." And apparently up your ass as well. I was like "You know, this really didn't require an immediate phone call because it's a small issue, especially if you're in the fucking middle of something right now." I was kinda downright rude to him on the phone. I ended up sending him a text about half an hour later, apologising for that. But it's like... dude, be less stupid. And be less constantly rubbing it in my face how much time you're spending with her.

Then I had a mini breakdown about how this guy has pretty much ruined my life. I mean, sometimes, even now, he's really great and a positive thing in my life. But a lot of times all I can realize is just how much he's destroyed me as a person. And how he just still very much has me under his spell. It's like that infamous Brokeback Mountain quote: "I wish I knew how to quit you!" Cuz yes, I really wish I did.

Oh, and in other news... got a reply back to my message from Hot Temp Guy on Facebook. He was all like "It was actually really cool running into you. Your eyes are very hard to miss. We should definitely get together for a drink sometime. Call or text me and we'll chat." And he gave me his number (clearly). Score one for the Emu! I'll send him a text later on, probably this afternoon. Not right now at 4 in the morning, because that'll just make me look crazy. Which I am, but he doesn't need to know that right now.

Fuck my life, fuck the fact that I have to work today... Oh well, at least it's March now. In less than 2 weeks I'll be having my 25th birthday, having a week off, and going up to Nutty McShitville for some R&R. I can't even begin to tell you how much I need that. I mean clearly... CLEARLY I am going insane and need to get away.

2010-03-01 at 3:43 a.m.