Fuck, I hate my job. Actually, no, scratch that. I like my job. But fuck, I hate my manager. She ruins my job. She came to me this morning, barked out some impossible orders, then locked herself in her office all day. Meanwhile I'm freaking out trying to get everything done. She basically wanted a week's worth of work done in one day, and wanted me to somehow organize the "senior operators" (man, I love it when she calls us that... term of endearment, it is... aka "lifers") to complete this. Now this was something only the other backup supervisor knew how to do, and she had to teach myself, Know It All Asshole (who asks WAY too many questions), and Cute Emo Boy (who I actually realized today is not nearly as cute as I once thought him to be) how to do this. Other "senior operator" Cool Dorky Guy called in sick this morning, so on my lunch break I wrote him a hate note on his wall on Facebook because today would have been a lot easier if he had been there.

ANYWAYS, we finished JUST BARELY in time for me and the other backup to be done for the day. And I was just CONSTANTLY BOMBARDED WITH BULLSHIT from one newb in particular... at least the other newbs all had legitimate questions. And it's like... okay, you know what? Despite what you may think, it is not actually my job to hold you by the hand and guide you through everything. Like... she's smart enough, she has caught on to most things fairly quickly, she was just being a fucking retard today... the one day where I really really did not have time for that shit.

I realized yesterday that one of the new guys is really really hot. I hope he lasts, but I have a feeling he won't. Not many people do last in this place. If any of these newbs last any significant amount of time, it's probably gonna be that one that is the biggest pain in my ass. Anyways, yeah, he is really really hot... kinda looks like Trent Reznor. Distracting with him sitting right in my line of vision? Very. Good thing I'm probably heading back to that desk facing the wall next week until Thursday hits again.

Tonight is Wii night with Capital City Guy, the Cute Awkward Guy, and his Big Blonde Fiancee... except I just found out that apparently Hobo and her ex-boyfriend are going to be there too. Joy! Capital City Guy originally told me, on my breakdown day and he was trying to make me feel better, that it would just be the four of us. I've decided not to make a big deal of this, though. I don't have as much of a problem with Hobo as I did, but she's still pretty annoying... especially in combination with her extremely annoying ex-boyfriend. There will be beer, though, unlike the last Wii night with the two of them, so I am better prepared this time. Gotta leave in about half an hour for that.

Oh, and hangouts with Capital City Guy last night... good times. He's so FUCKING confusing, though, because it seems like whenever we go 3 or more days without seeing eachother, he misses me. You miss me? YOU MISS ME?! DO YOU MISS ME WHEN YOU'RE FUCKING HOBO? DO YOU WISH SHE WAS ME?! *ahem* Anyways, I exaggerate a bit. Mainly for comedic affect. Because honestly, this doesn't bother me as much as it did at first. So, yeah, he kept telling me he missed me and he loves me and he was very huggy. And, you know... that's fine. I like hugs. We hugged a lot, and we might have made out a little but... baby steps, my friends. Baby steps.

Anyways, enough of me. Blaaaaaahhhh. Talk to you later.

2010-02-26 at 6:57 p.m.