Things Are Looking Up... Oh, Except For Work, Of Course

You know, there is nothing like a good old fashioned breakdown to just kinda clear my mind and make me feel refreshed and excited about life again.

And I actually have social engagements for the next 3 evenings. Tomorrow night I'm going to hang out with Capital City Guy, Friday night him and I are having a Wii night with the Cute Awkward Guy and his Big Blonde Fiancee, and Saturday night I'm going to a games night with Red. So I'm all like "Oh wait... I'm not as alone in this city as I thought I was." I'm also in talks to hang out with Geeky Lesbian at some point but with her being even more flaky and anti-social than me... could be a while.

Oh fuck, I just realized I need to pay my rent this week. Excuse me while I write myself a Post-It Note about that...

I could have hung out with Capital City Guy tonight instead of tomorrow, but Hobo is staying at his place tonight and he says he wants to be able to give me his full attention for the whole evening. Which is sweet, I guess. So I've gotten to the point where I can think about them together without crying or wanting to throw up. I still don't really want to see them all over eachother or anything but I've known for a long while that Capital City Guy and I make better friends than lovers so, you know... whatever. I'm good. I'm definitely in the "He's my best friend" state of mind. Now whether or not we'll ever drift back into the "with benefits" territory or even be kinda coupley again... well, history has proven that we tend to repeat this over and over. It feels more final this time, but we'll see. I'm not going to say definitely not. But I am for once very very okay with that being over. It's kinda liberating. Actually... no. It's EXTREMELY liberating.

Work is FUCKIN' CRAZY. But I know I say that, like, every entry. Okay, so one new person started last week and 3 new people started this week... and apparently one more is starting on Monday. I'm not exactly sure what the manager is on, but I'm pretty sure we don't need quite this many people. Know It All Asshole is having a fucking field day, though, throwing his knowledge around and looking all important. People are told when they're hired, and there have also been memos about this to older employees, that no one is supposed to go to him for help. But they do... he, like, draws them to him and he fucking loves it. Partly it really pisses me off, but also... he is literally costing himself money by doing this. I guess if he doesn't have a problem with that, I should just let him go nuts. If he has such a self-esteem problem that he'd rather feel smart than be earning his full potential paycheque... his call.

For the first time ever today at work, I actually lost track of time and ended up working longer than I was supposed to. I could potentially get in trouble for that but it was an accident. And believe me, I'm usually out of there the second I can be. I was just fuckin' focused today. I think it's because for the past two days I've been sitting at a different desk, that is right against and is facing a wall. As opposed to my regular desk, which faces a window, and the supervisor desk (which I'll be back at tomorrow and Friday... *sigh*) which faces, like, everyone. So there have been considerably fewer things to distract me the past couple days. And yeah, that makes a difference. Maybe when I supervise, and when I eventually move back to my regular desk, I should get some blinders, like what horses wear. I guarantee my productivity will remain high.

I guess that's all there is to say for now. Until next time, friends...

2010-02-24 at 8:01 p.m.