Happy VD

Oh hai.

So Friday night with Red was fairly good times. This other guy I also used to work with, who is friends with Red, was there too. Man, they both still hold a lot of hatred towards that job. And both of them quit, like, a year ago. I sincerely hope that after I quit, whenever that may be, I immediately put it behind me. But that could be easier said than done. Yeah, that place does things to people. But yeah, good times Friday night and I won a coupon for a dozen free wings on karaoke night. Not that I have any idea when that may be. But perhaps someday I will find out, then go back and get me some wings.

And the romantic getaway with Capital City Guy... pretty successful, I must say. I mean, not completely smooth and I got pretty irritated with him at a couple points but it was pretty fun. The room was quite nice, and it had a big ol' king sized bed which was very comfortable. Dinner was delicious and we had a great view, then we went for a walk along the water and critiqued the interiors of the fancy condos along there with their lights on and curtains open. Then we hung out in the room, shared a bottle of wine he brought and a few beers from the mini bar, watched TV, ordered room service... yeah, it was pretty good. Then this morning we had breakfast at the fancy restaurant again, then walked home. We had ended up taking a cab to the hotel because it has valet parking and he was ashamed of his car. There is nothing wrong with his car, but he was pretty convinced that the clientel of this hotel would be driving nothing but Porsches and Lamborginis and the valet would laugh at his little early 2000s Hyundai. I'm pretty sure none of this is true. But I didn't want to take a cab home again cuz I really hate cabs, so we walked.

And since I got home from that, things have been uneventful. Ate way too much food, went for a walk, bought more food to replace the food I ate, then had a nap way too late in the evening. Good times. Now back to the hell known as work tomorrow morning. Things just keep getting fucking crazier there. Friday was fairly smooth, considering, but the manager is still completely psycho and more and more stuff keeps coming in while nothing is really getting done. It's preeeeetty ridiculous. But... yeah. Three days without supervising, at least. So I don't have to worry about it too much.

And that's enough for now. Chatter at y'all again later.

2010-02-14 at 8:38 p.m.