Tiny Emu Head Somehow Has Lots Of Room For Air

So, work this week... holy hell. It's so crazy. At least I've noticed the manager interviewing people, so we'll have some help soon. Not that new people don't come with a whole different set of problems. Ugh, it's all just so ugly right now. And I was all frazzled and even more of an airhead than usual at work today. But then Thursdays are almost always bad, in their way.

Best part of today was when the manager came charging out of her office like a bat out of hell, freaking out and wanting me to immediately get everyone working on this particular job. And I was all "Uh... wha? Where is it?" So the manager is tearing through everything, looking all over and the receptionist pipes up with "Um... I think it's done. I think it was done yesterday." So the manager apologises for scaring the crap out of me with her ramage, then starts freaking at the receptionist instead. "Why the hell wasn't it sent out yesterday then?!" Bitch needs to calm down. No wonder all her employees are fucking angry and on edge.

I'm getting excited about the weekend with Capital City Guy, but I'm trying not to get too too excited because if I do, something will go wrong... we'll get in a fight or something... and it'll be the shittiest Valentine's Day ever. Not that spending the night at a fancy hotel with your ex isn't a little messed up and depressing in itself. It's like we're eachother's charity case. But him and I hung out last night and it was relatively decent times, considering he's still crazy and depressed as hell about work. He was also kinda irritated because that female friend of his who just got back from Cali is planning on couch surfing for the next however long and she's staying at his place tonight and tomorrow. And he feels obligated to feed her and stuff too because she has no money or anything... mainly because she quit her job to run off to California for a month and a half. So he went on this whole "If she didn't make such poor life choices all of her friends wouldn't have to bail her out like this..." rant and I just listened. Cuz, whatever. At least she's not my friend. Cuz with my extra bedroom, I'd be pretty much obligated.

I'm going out tomorrow night with Red... I haven't hung out with him since, like, November. Or maybe it was December. Anyways, yeah, I was all depressed and angry about all the shitty people in this city and how I don't have any friends here, so I decided to ask if he wanted to hang out. We're going to a bar, but he doesn't drink and I'm only having a couple at the maximum because I'm NOT letting a hangover fuck up my romantic Valentine's weekend, so I'm not too worried about things going awry tomorrow night. Should be fine. Might even be fun.

I wanna say work tomorrow should be smoother than it was today, but I don't want to jinx it. So, we'll see. We'll see. And... yeah. If tomorrow is really interesting I'll write about it on Saturday morning or something but if not, expect an entry early next week about how either fantastic or horrible the romantic getaway was.

2010-02-11 at 7:49 p.m.