Holy Jeez, It's February Now

Middle of the night entry! Woo! And see, I'm starting to write more now. Not that I think anyone reads this anymore...

So I ended up spending Friday night at Capital City Guy's place because I wasn't really feeling the walk home. So I got up with him at 7, he made me coffee, he drove me home on his way to his friends' place... then I napped and drank more coffee before going out to meet up with my cousin for coffee. My new coffee addiction is becoming dangerous, by the way. I have still so far avoided drinking it all day at work but other than that... yeah, I drink a lot of coffee.

But hanging out with my cousin was cool... We had coffee then went shopping all over town. Turns out we like the same stores and both have a major thing for shoes. So we were being very girly together. It was fun. For the amount that my family shuns her... I really don't think it's warranted. She's doing pretty well for herself and she's very nice. And I ended up buying a few things at Value Village for hella cheap, including a pair of boots that are kinda similar to the other ones I have (THAT I LOVE) except have a slightly higher heel and go slightly higher up the leg. I ended up walking to Capital City Guy's place in them that evening, then around the grocery store and home again yesterday afternoon and it was one hell of a nice feeling stretch for my thighs. Which I approve of. I do really want to tone those fuckers up.

And yeah, I spent Saturday night at Capital City Guy's place too. It's what we do. He played various computer games, I read a book... it was all good. It's funny how we hang out and we literally go hours without even speaking to eachother. But it works for us.

Work today, ugh. Don't wanna go. I'm gonna end up doing the job that I hate doing and it's just... ugh. Don't wanna go. My supervisor will be back today. I guess we'll see how bad me and the other backup broke things while she was gone. I feel like I scheduled too many people for today and tomorrow. Like the manager said to bring in everybody but the term "everybody" sometimes has different meanings. Sometimes it doesn't mean everybody. But I scheduled literally everybody. Eh, we'll see. We probably won't run out of work in that time but "everybody" may not be working for the rest of the week. Uggh, I hate my job right now. Hate it so bad, don't wanna go.

I should probably try to get more sleep soon. Last week was really good for me not waking up in the middle of the night for extended periods of time, but this week appears to be off to a bad start. Oh well. I'm pretty used to functioning on little sleep and it doesn't really phase me anymore, but I'd still like to avoid it as much as possible.

2010-02-01 at 2:52 a.m.