
Man, my life blows. Well... not really. It's just not much of a life.

I need to start being super witty in here again. I started re-reading the book Vernon God Little yesterday... a book that was recommended to me a few years ago by a loyal reader of this here blog, because the writing style was similar to mine. Just, like, super dry and sarcastic and smart and witty and highly exaggerated for comedic value. Ahh, so good. I'm probably gonna blow right through it again in no time. Ever since it took me, like, 4 months to finish reading New Moon, I've been consuming books like nobody's business. Clearly it just took me so long to read New Moon because I had to keep putting it down because it was getting far too dumb.

But anyways... yes. Me. Witty. I'm not so much funny in here anymore. Although ironically, I've become much more funny in person. But here has just become a weekly ritual of me bitching about work, about my lack of a life, and about how Cute Emo Boy doesn't like me anymore. And none of that never changes, and it got old a long assed time ago. So I'm going to try to improve my writing style and broaden the topics I talk about. And... yes.

But of course, I will still need to bitch about work. So far this week has been relatively fine, but of course tomorrow is Thursday... the day when the shit almost always hits the fan. The work flow has picked up, we've had our full staff in all this week. It's kinda nice. The receptionist continues to be a massive bitch who just kinda glares at me all the time. I kinda want to punch her in the face. And... yeah. That is work.

I spent, like, all of last weekend with Capital City Guy. It was boring, but fine. We don't really see eachother during the week anymore, so spending the entire weekend together isn't totally outrageous. This weekend, though, at some point... Saturday, I imagine... he's helping the Asshole and his Semi-Goth Girlfriend move AGAIN. Second time in 6 months. Also ALL of his friends ask him to help them move. And he always says yes. I hope I never become that friend. I don't even like moving myself, let alone other people. But he's just Mr Nice Guy and he has a car so... yeah. He's a commodity.

And I've done absolutely fuck all this week after work, except for a bit of shopping today after work then a really long bus ride home because I just missed the bus I wanted to take and ended up getting a different bus because I didn't want to wait at the mall any longer, so I had to transfer to another bus a hour and a sight seeing trip around the entire city later, me and my massive bag of purchased goods finally get home.

I want my thunder thighs to shrink so I can actually wear shorts and skirts this summer. I am unsure as to the best way to guarantee achieving this goal. I'm doing a lot of lunges and squats and stuff. I dunno. I just wanna wear skirts and be girly. I'm becoming disgustingly girly in my old age.

Anyways, I'm tired. Enough for now. I hope to not leave it an entire week again without updating. Not that I think anyone cares. I doubt anyone even reads this anymore.

2010-01-27 at 8:03 p.m.