Happiness And Fun And Jokes Are Not Allowed Under Any Circumstance

You wanna hear about my day? Okay, the scariest thing in the world is when the manager calls you into her office, and that happened to me today. Mostly she just wanted to tell me about the massive amounts of work that is finally starting to come in, and about this project she wants me to be involved in with one of the tech guys. Then she was like "Oh, and were you trying to get someone else to call people in for you?"

Cuz okay, it's been slow so there's practically no one working, and tomorrow my manager wanted me to call in everyone who's available. That's a lot of people. And yeah admittedly, I'm not a fan of the phone. I don't like calling people. Neither does Cool Dorky Guy, who is backup receptionist so often has to do that kind of stuff too, so I jokingly was like "Hey, you wanna call, like, everyone for me so I don't have to?" And somehow with her supersonic ears, the manager heard this from her office. HOWEVER, I thought the fact that I was joking was fairly evident. I'm pretty sure him and I both chuckled after I said that, but apparently she chose not to hear that part. So I seriously almost got in shit at work for a harmless joke, and had to explain myself to her. This basically ruined my whole afternoon. Like... you dumb old cow. Seriously.

I also usually jokingly say no whenever someone asks me to show them how to do something... I'm surprised she didn't call me on that too. I also did that today.

Not a whole lot else happening in my world. Just work. Been mostly hanging around at home in my spare time. Didn't do anything on the weekend, because I was too tired. Probably not doing anything this weekend for the same reason. And... yeah. That's my life. Woot. Wasn't I more exciting when I was a slutty little bar star? Yeah. Me actually becoming an adult with a real job and stuff has made me lame and boring. I'm pretty sure no one reads this anymore. Oh well.

I bought this new kind of gin and it's really good! It doesn't really taste like gin... but it's good! I drink gin straight like all the time now. Fuck tonic. It ain't necessary. And yeah, that's what I'm doing right now. Sipping on a couple shots of gin, and staring at the computer. Afterwards I'll have a shower! Then I'll read and go to bed. Wooooo! I better slow down, I might have a heart attack from all this excitement.

By the way, I need a boyfriend. And a life.

2010-01-21 at 5:24 p.m.