Life Blows And There Is Very Little Going On

Gaddamn, Thursday and Friday at work was brutal. Slow slow slow. And apparently I still have no concept about how scheduling should work when it is this slow. On Thursday it was the perms, us two backup supervisors, and two additional people for 4 hours. A bit more work ended up coming in so I figured for sure the two other people could stay a bit longer. Consulted with the manager and she was basically like "No fucking way" and freaking out that if no other work comes in, there absolutely needs to be enough for the perms to do. So, okay, whatever. People getting fucked over for hours left right and centre. And I ended up having to make the decision on Thursday and Friday, because the manager was unavailable, as to whether the evening/weekend supervisor should work. And both days I ultimately decided no, because of the manager's previous freakout. However I noticed on Saturday morning when I walked by, that her car was at work. SO clearly someone disagreed with me there. So I dunno. I dunno. I fully expect to be in shit tomorrow.

And boy oh boy, did the receptionist get pissed off at me on Thursday. Ugh, what a bitch. I can tell that she clearly just thinks I'm a moron. And I'm almost positive she's talking shit about me to everyone. The woman is, like, 50. Grow the fuck up already. And, it's like... I don't supervise Monday to Wednesday so unless someone specifically fills me in as to what's going on, I don't necessarily know. I mean, I can figure certain stuff out but I can't win 'em all. Excuse me for not being fuckin' psychic.

Uggggggh. Oh yes, I love my job.

This weekend has been fairly 'lax. Spent most of it with Capital City Guy. And last night we went over to the Cute Awkward Guy & his Big Blonde fiancee's place to play Wii. Good times. And, yeah, Capital City Guy and I just hung out, did some reading, ate, drank... the usual.

I was wasting time on Facebook yesterday morning when I was awake way too early, and I was looking at Cute Emo Boy's sister's profile and her pictures and holy crap, she is just like him in drag. And he practically dresses like a woman already, so they are pretty damn similiar in looks. I can't figure out if she's pretty or not. Ehhh... I think I'll conclude that no, she's not. And, like, one of Cute Emo Boy's best friends, a really really hot goth girl, is also friends with one of my cousins. RANDOM. Oh, Facebook. The ultimate time waster, and the maker of this world seeming that much smaller.

I can't figure out if I want to go for a walk now or not. Seems like too much effort. But all I've done this weekend is sleep and relax and consume caffeine... I should have energy. Oh, I'll just go. It'll be a good thing. I've been putting on weight like no one's business.

2010-01-10 at 3:11 p.m.