You Can Hold On To Something So Tight, You've Already Lost It

Man, 2010 STILL looks weird, even though I've been typing it 20 times at day at work the past few days.

So, remember how I said I was absolutely so gung ho to take a trip to the Old Province for my birthday? Yeeeaaah, not so much anymore. I promised myself I'd be less flakey this year, but I think I'm gonna end up flaking out of this one. Part of it is because I'm freaking out about money, but the main thing is... The Male. Now, Emu realizes that she's irresistable, or at least the crazy ones think she is. And yeah, he's just... oh, it's hard to explain. It's like he wants to control this. Like he doesn't want to let me out of his sight when I'm there. And I've told him I'm going out there for me, not for him. And he's constantly showering me with love and praise with text messages or on MSN or Facebook... and I've played along, because I'm rather fond of him too, but it just feels like it's going too far. I'm getting really uncomfortable with how he feels about me.

So I'm sitting on this for a day or two while I work out exactlly what I'm feeling, then I'm going to be straight up with him. Because I can't do this with him. It just feels all wrong. I mean I take some responsibility on this because I've likely lead him on, as I've apparently lead many guys on in my past, but... yeah. In the past, not going to lead people on anymore, going to be truthful on this. Ugh.

So last night I finally hung out with Geeky Lesbian (Nerdy Lesbian? Shit, I can't remember which is is now...), and her best friend was there and this chick who manages a specialty store where he was shopping that day that he decided to randomly invite over. Anyways... holy crap, this woman was just beyond anything I have ever seen. I mean, surprisingly rarely do I want to just haul off and punch someone in the face but that was the feeling I had the entire time with her. Just very very self superior. And not in a joking way, like I am. She honestly thinks she's hot shit and was talking the whole time like she was expecting to make a sale right there in Geeky Lesbian's living room, spouting off all this product knowledge that I don't particularly think any of us needed to hear. And yeah, so that made the evening less than pleasurable. Hopefully Geeky Lesbian and I can do something else soon. Even though I'm a little irritated that she for some reason became obsessed with trying to break my new phone. Yeah... no. Don't touch my phone. MY PHONE.

And work... blah. It was dead on Monday, BAT SHIT INSANE yesterday and today, and tomorrow is set to be dead again, unless a load of stuff came in after I left. Which is doubtful. So as it stood today when I left, it was just going to be me and the "perms" tomorrow. Which will be fine. And if it's so dead that I have to leave early, that will be even better. I've had one hell of a time getting through work the past couple days. The days have just been sooooo longgggggg.

There's so much I need to do around here, and absolutely no desire to do any of it... except for when I'm at work, then all I want to do is come home and clean and organize and cook. But now I'm just like slumped over in this chair here, just incapable of movement. I'll see how I feel a bit later. At the very least, I need to do those damn dishes.

Man, I am dead tired but my sources tell me 10 minutes to 5 is too early to go to bed. Hmm, a nap perhaps while I watch the news, then hope to later be refreshed and ready to take on those dishes? Sounds like a plan.

2010-01-06 at 4:29 p.m.