Workplace Drama Is Never Ending

So today at work I ended up having my break with Cool Dorky Guy. I stayed at work for lunch because today was our "Christmas lunch"... which just consists of them ordering a plate of finger sandwiches and desserts from a local grocery store's deli. So, yeah, he followed me into the break room... seemed like he was planning on this because he doesn't usually take his break that early, and he normally doesn't take the full half hour at one time. But we chatted more than we've had a chance to so far and he's super super cool and funny.

And what's also funny is just at the end of our break, Cute Emo Boy came in for his break... half an hour earlier than he usually does. So it was almost like he was coming in to check on us, cuz he came in and kinda stared at me for a second, then turned around and went to the bathroom. Knowing him, he probably thinks I'm trying to go after Cool Dorky Guy now that he's officially rejected me. But I assure you, that is not the case. First of all, Cool Dorky Guy has a girlfriend and secondly I AM NOT GETTING ROMANTICALLY INVOLVED WITH A CO-WORKER EVER AGAIN. And neither should you.

I was supposed to get together with Geeky Lesbian tonight but she has flaked out, yet again. I know it's probably just because she's working insane hours and is just overwhelmed and not wanting to be around people but if you're going to duck out of plans that you made, the least you can do is send a text saying "Sorry, I don't feel up to it after all." But whatever. I was upset for a bit, because people are just pissing me off lately and that was just one more thing added to it, but now it's fine.

For some reason all day yesterday I had a really bad feeling about Capital City Guy, which was intensified by the fact that I couldn't get in contact with him, and when I went out for my evening walk I went by his apartment and his car was there but no lights were on... very unusual. Apparently he was just suffering the hangover from hell because he went out with that chick that he hangs out with all the time lately, they did the whole rave thing like they always do together, then stayed up until, like, 7 in the morning. So he slept all day. Meanwhile, my women's intuition is going insane and I am consumed with the feeling that he has died of an overdose or something. Luckily that was not the case. But yeah, it was not good. Now that woman thing is off to California for 5 weeks to visit her "boyfriend" so maybe I'll actually be able to see my best friend a little bit more than I have been able to lately because of her.

I love it when I'm full of hate for someone I don't even know. But bitch, don't steal my best friend. I don't exactly have a lot of friends in this city, I can't afford to lose any more.

Two more full days and one more part day, then I'm off for Christmas. We get the Monday off too so this is good, it'll mean a bit more time in Nutty McShitville. On Christmas Eve we're only working as long as it takes to get the daily work done, so it'll probably be noonish when I'm off. Then I have to make my way up to Capital City Guy's work so that when he's off at 4:30 we can take off to Cracktown together. Then my parents will pick me up there. And then my dad will drive me back down on Monday. I'm glad I can avoid the Greyhound. Avoiding the Greyhound is good.

Anyways I'm getting tired, I should go to bed soon.

2009-12-21 at 8:45 p.m.