Good Morning Balllllllllltimorrrrrrrrre!

Weekend entry, just as promised.

Supervising this week was, again, pretty good. I know it's because there hasn't been much daily work, but a lot of other stuff. So keeping track of things hasn't been nearly as stressful. The daily stuff is done by late morning, and everything else is smooth sailing. Plus the manager just locks herself in her office all day and doesn't say anything to me. No one has any hard questions for me, and I occasionally catch a glimpse of Cute Emo Boy staring at me. Altogether, they have been good days. It's weird how the past couple weeks my two supervising shifts have actually been better than my 3 non-supervising ones. I hope this keeps up, but I know it won't.

I dyed my hair red last weekend, which I think is something I neglected to mention in here, although it was made a big deal of on Facebook. 110% of all people approve of me with the red hair. Only thing is, because I wasn't sure that red was what I really wanted, I went the temporary hair dye route. That washes out in 5 to 60 washes (how very exact, eh?) and reacts radically different with previously dyed hair than it does with natural hair. Now, the bottom half of my hair has been dyed before and the top half hasn't... which means the top half of my hair is now pretty much back to its natural brown whereas the bottom is still a fiery red. I'm starting to get pretty irritated at how retarded this looks, especially since it was sooooo awesome looking the first few days. I might get my mom to dye my hair red again with a permanent dye this time, when I go home for Christmas.

So Capital City Guy ditched me on our typical Friday night hangouts to hang out with his new BFF or whatever she is. Him and I almost always hang on Friday nights so I was all like "Whaaaa?" and was at a bit of a loss as to what to do with my evening. So I ended up buying a cheap space heater, because this apartment is frickin' cold and I swear the thermostat is fucked, and napping infront of it while "watching" (term used loosely because my eyes were closed for the majority of the time) old episodes of The Simpsons on DVD. And this made me realize how goddamn lame I am. But I did need to catch up on some sleep, though. And tonight him and I and possibly the Cute Awkward Guy are going to UFC and then to go see strippers. I will get drunk and have a good time even if it kills me. I wanna meet this chick that he hangs out with all the time, though! See what the hell her deal is. She sounds like she's pretty cool.

Anyhoosers, I'm gonna go do my makeup and nails for tonight... I feel like getting all dolled up in the semi-goth/emo way that I so enjoy... then hang out in front of my heater and finish watching Hairspray that I started earlier this afternoon (Zac Efron is damn hot, by the way) while waiting for time to leave. So... yeah. Adios.

2009-12-12 at 3:14 p.m.