Man, You Know... Electricity Is Important

Aw man, so yesterday morning was fun. Some drunk asshole in a truck took out a power line and the power was out in a several block radius... my apartment and my work. So I was flipping out a little because I was opening yesterday and I didn't know what the procedure was for a power outage, especially since I called the electric company for information and they said they expected the power to be out for a couple more hours while they repaired the line.

So I go to work and I decide to try going in but the alarm was doing something funny because of the power outage and it didn't seem to want me to fully disarm it so I freaked out and just left again. Sat outside and called the manager, who figured I was calling because of the power outage because she heard about it on the radio. This is the one time my manager was actually pretty cool. She said she'd come in early and help me out, so she was there about 15 minutes later, we dealt with the alarm and all that, she found a flashlight, we opened all the blinds and all that to get as much light in as possible, and then we sat. Our job is 100% computer based and there ain't nothing we can do without electricity.

So eventually people start flooding in. Cute Emo Boy was first... I attempted some small talk with him but it wasn't particularly successful. Goddamn that guy is one hell of an asshole now. We chatted awkwardly about the power being out and the accident that caused it, then he was just like "Okay, so I'm gonna go read in the break room now and presumably I'll know when the power comes back on." Then the programming guy came in and we talked a bit. A couple other people showed up too. Then the power came back on at about 8:30, so I got paid for sitting and doing absolutely nothing for an hour and a half which I figured was pretty sweet and a well deserved break. When I was attempting to chat with Cute Emo Boy I mentioned how sweet it was to get paid to do nothing for a change and he was all grumpily "I'd rather be working." DUDE, lighten the FUCK UP. I kinda just want to constantly punch him in his emo face.

And hey, everything still got done in time for deadlines and it was actually a rather productive day so you know what? Good day. Rather quite a good day indeed. Just kind of a rocky start. I actually ended up calling the alarm company when I was waiting for my manager, just to make sure everything was cool on their end because I was kinda freaked out, and there were sirens all over the place and the guy was just like "Oh sorry, they already sent the cops on you." AND I FLIPPED THE FUCK OUT. But CLEARLY he was just kidding and only said that because he could hear the sirens. But aw man, don't joke with a spaz like me in a situation like that. I practically shat myself.

So I'm hoping for this weekend to be as lame as possible. Seriously. I hung out with Capital City Guy last night and we didn't even drink at all. I'll probably go back over there tonight for more non-drinking. And tomorrow I am supposed to hang out with Red but I'm really not feeling it. I'm not feeling people at the moment. Capital City Guy doesn't really count as people because he doesn't expect anything from me. We just chill and he plays his computer games and I bounce back and forth between my DS, watching TV, and reading and it just works. So, I dunno. I've been trying not to flake out on people lately but I might just have to flake out on Red tomorrow in favour of doing nothing by myself. Does that make me a bad person? Well I really don't care if it does...

Anyways, I should go do my Wii Fit now. It'll get cranky if I don't.

2009-11-21 at 3:12 p.m.