I Love Vomiting, Don't You?

So supervising at work on Thursday was, like, frickin' horrible. My manager is an idiot, a bitch, and on a side note really needs to realize that she almost always has lipstick on her teeth. She was very stern about the fact that me and the other backup had to be doing this retarded fucking project, meanwhile there was way too much daily work for the rest of the people and I knew this but I just followed her orders. Meanwhile, the deadline for the daily stuff is creeping up and it's still not done, so I finally just stop what I'm doing and grab some of it. A few minutes later she comes out of her office, is flabbergasted that yet again she has no concept of proper scheduling, and flips out. Later when every thing was done and crisis was averted, she called me into her office and lectured me about how I need to communicate better with her when there's a problem.

At least Friday was better. It usually is. Except for that one time when Thursday was okay and then Friday was a catastrophy to make up for it. But man, my job blows sometimes. I never thought Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday would become my favourite days of the work week, but at least I don't have nearly as much shit to deal with on those days.

But ugh, my manager did say something that implied she has a feeling that my supervisor might full out retire soon (which I don't blame her for and while that's going on, I think the equally old manager should retire as well) and when that happens, I will become full time supervisor. The term "full time" used loosely, though. It will just be supervising 5 days a week, not technical full-time status. You wanna know how shady my job is? I might have discussed this before, but I'm still classified as a temp, as is my supervisor. Hours still aren't guaranteed for any of us, so they can get away with classifying us as temps so they don't have to give us benefits. The manager, tech guys, and receptionist are the only technically full time people with benefits, paid holidays, guaranteed hours. It's such bullshit.

Anyways, this weekend has been fine, albeit not as productive as I was hoping. Had some hangout time with Capital City Guy, and went out to see strippers with Geeky Lesbian last night. Then we stopped at the Friendly Neighbourhood 24 Hour Eating Establishment, where I wolfed down a bunch of food, only to throw it all back up a couple hours later. Oh yeah, it was glorious. I can't remember the last time I threw up, so I guess I was due. But it was a rather violent vomiting session. At least I felt better after it was all done with. Then in a couple hours from now I'm gonna meet up downtown with Red and we're going to wander, weather permitting.

Oh, and I got my hair cut on Friday. It's considerably shorter and thinner, and definitely healthier looking now because my ends were just so completely fried, but not as radically different of a style as I originally thought it was. But eh, it's still cute.

Anyways, I guess I should go start to get ready for my afternoon.

2009-11-15 at 11:42 a.m.