It's Almost Like I'm Becoming A People Person... Despite How That Goes Against Everything In My Nature

The past few days have been moderately successful. Operation No More Cute Emo Boy has been okay, with relatively few withdrawls. It also helps that he was off yesterday and will continue to be off until this upcoming Thursday. Found that out looking at the schedule, because he definitely didn't tell me about this because he hasn't told me anything in quite a while. But I think he might be on that road trip he told me a while back that he was planning. So, hey, a week without him will help me move on even more! And Emu is all about the moving on right now.

Supervising on Thursday and yesterday was okay. Relatively stress-free. The manager didn't bug me too much so I only kinda wanted to stab her repeatedly in the face. And Cool Dorky Guy has been filling in on the reception desk for the past two weeks, and interactions with him tend to be primarily positive. He is really an awesome funny guy and he seems to think I'm pretty funny too. It's nice to be able to joke around a bit with a co-worker because seriously, my work is filled with the most soul-less people you could ever meet.

I met someone else off of OKCupid on Thursday and it went really well. We have plans to hang out again on Wednesday. And guess what? It's a chick. Yeah she's a lesbian, and 4 years younger than me. She has a really cool sense of humour and lives in this neighbourhood. Now whether anything romantic/sexual will ever happen between us is debateable. I mean, I went through a couple years or so when I was pretty convinced I was gay, and I still do love the ladies a lot, but... ehhhhh I prefer men. She is super wicked, though, and I'd consider it (although alcohol would almost certainly have to be involved). It would be cool if we could just be friends, though.

And speaking of friends off of OKCupid, me and the guy I used to work with are gonna meet up for coffee tomorrow afternoon. Could be interesting. We will see. He seems like a cool enough guy. And yeah, seriously... we sat next to eachother for 6 months at work and never spoke?! We both agree that's fucked up. Well we'll speak tomorrow, I assume.

Hung out with Capital City Guy last night. He treated me to dinner, then we hung out at his place and had a few beers. I enjoyed it. Love that guy. Our relationship is so weird and undefined and will probably blow up in our faces yet again at some point but... being with him just feels so right. He is hands down the most amazing person in my life right now.

Anyways... despite the large coffee and half a Rockstar in my system, I'm still tired as hell so I think I may go take a nap now.

2009-11-07 at 12:18 p.m.