I Think I've Said This Before, But... Don't Do What Emu Does

It's been pointed out to me by a few people now that it's National Novel Writing Month so therefore my time to shine but... ehhhhh I don't think I have it in me right now. I'm more about the angsty poetry, and a diary entry every few days. Maybe I'll write a novel later. In like 10 years or something, when I finally have an idea.

Anyways, I woke up in the middle of the night to pee (as usual) and to eat M&Ms (not as usual, but I'm glad I have them now) so I figured I'd come by here and write to you all. I'm sure you're grateful.

So I've finally given Cute Emo Boy the old heave ho... in the sense that I told him that I wasn't going to take breaks with him anymore. Which was our one last attachment to eachother. It's just that 9 out of 10 days it was an absolutely soul crushing experience and it's not worth it. I mean maybe if I didn't live close enough that I could go home at lunch I would have kept it up a bit longer but, really, the fact that irritated me the most is that I could go home and eat something other than a peanut butter sandwich every day and dance and sing and blow off steam instead of sitting in awkward silence with a guy who looks at me like I'm a retard every time I say something.

And I actually texted him to tell him I wasn't going do breaks with him anymore because I didn't realize I absolutely could not do this one more day until our break yesterday was just ending. So I didn't have a chance to say it in person. And he never responded so, like, whatever. It sucks and I guess I should have listened to all these people telling me not to get involved with a co-worker but awwww man. And like everywhere I go in this city there are memories of good times that I've had with him, because we did a lot of wandering together and... I'm not gonna lie, it's made me tear up a few times. But what really made me cry yesterday was the thought that I may have really fucked things up with Capital City Guy because of this asshole.

Goddamn I make such stupid fucking decisions! Someone really should smack some sense into me.

Man, work the past couple days has been a gong show. My supervisor is off all week but luckily the other backup supervisor is doing Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and I just have to do my normal Thursday, Friday. And I could tell she was freaking out and getting a lot of shit from the manager because we missed deadlines both yesterday and Monday and I'm just like "Better you than me." I would have had, like, 10,000 strokes and probably would have started crying. I mean it was still stressful, but it wasn't my problem. Although one may argue that it's not the supervisor's problem either, it's the manager's for her shitty scheduling. But of course the manager will never see it that way.

So on OKCupid I was recently contacted by someone I used to work with. He was all like "You look familiar..." And yeah, he's the guy who used to sit next to me at work. We sat next to eachother for, like, 6 months... never said a word to eachother. But then that's pretty typical for that place. So we've been shooting the shit back and forth about that, and we might meet up for coffee or something sometime. I mean, I'm not the least bit romantically interested in this guy and I hope I don't give him that impression just because I agree to meet up with him off of a dating website... it's more just like "I can't believe we worked next to eachother for 6 months and we didn't get to know eachother at all."

I suppose I should try to get more sleep. I imagine today will be another hellish day at work.

2009-11-04 at 4:13 a.m.