I Can Haz Insane Amowntz Of Alkohol?

Middle of the night entry wooooooooooooo!

So this weekend was interesting. Kinda. Saturday night was insane, Capital City Guy and I went out for UFC and strippers and we got beyond wasted. When we first got to the bar, the stripper who was on the stage was trying to get me to flash her. I didn't, but it was funny. I'm just glad that didn't happen later in the evening because I probably would have and I don't know what the rules are for that kind of thing. Probably get kicked out of the bar for it, which is ironic in a way.

But as it was, I ended up getting kicked out of the bar anyway for falling asleep. New low for me, perhaps. But I was just sooooo done. I'm surprised I survived the walk from the bar back to my place. I don't remember the walk at all, though, but clearly I made it. All I remember is that Capital City Guy came home with me and he got pissed off and left in a huff because I was pretty much passsssssed out and he was still wanting to do stuff. Heh. So... yeah. I briefly talked to him on the phone about this yesterday cuz I was all upset that he was angry and I couldn't remember why, but it's all good. We were both just way too drunk. He said we should hang out tonight to make up for the fact that our evening on Saturday ended badly.

Oh, work on Thursday and Friday was of course hellish. And man, I reeeeally hate my manager. Remember way back several months ago when I was talking about how I was creeping the Facebook of a girl from work who did nothing but bad mouth her job and the manager? Yeah. Well it was her position I got when I quit and I'm really starting to understand why she felt how she felt. I seriously just want to punch my manager repeatedly in her wrinkled old face. Like on Friday she came into the break room when I was on my lunch break and told me to teach this new job that just came in to the two newest people. So when I went back, I did that. Then 15 minutes before I was off, she came up to me and was all "You know... you should really teach that job to everyone today." Uh... no and kiss my ass. Luckily I somehow managed to convince her that it wouldn't be worth it, even if I wasn't going to be leaving in 15 minutes, so yeah. However I'll probably have to do this today.

Cool Dorky Guy called in sick every day last week. On Thursday of course I was the one who had to take the call, and I was all amused by how pathetic he sounded, blurting out "You sound like hell!" which he apparently found to be really funny, because he made it his Facebook status. Not really a good supervisory thing to say to an employee but oh well, I'm still learning. Then on Friday when he called in again I was all "Don't tell me you're calling in sick AGAIN?!" Again, I lack professionalism. But seriously, how can you be so sick that you miss a week of work? Suck it up, man. But then I pretty much have to be on my death bed before I call in sick. Not necessarily a good thing but I figure I'll be miserable no matter where I am, might as well be at work where I can make some money.

Suppose I should try to get some more sleep. I do have one of those massive energy drinks in the fridge, but I was planning on making it last two days so I'd rather not have to need allllll of it today. So... yeah. Later.

2009-10-26 at 2:43 a.m.