
Ugh, life is so on and off depressing as hell. But I guess that's better than it being constantly depressing.

I just bought my Halloween costume. Note to self: Never buy a one piece costume again. Unless maybe it's a men's costume. Cuz yeah this thing was designed for chicks that are about 5'2. And I'm, um... not. The legs are waaaay too short and I could barely get the thing on over my shoulders. And there were ripping sounds all over the place, but no serious damage. And I can't really stand up very straight in it. And *cough*TMI*cough* it kinda gives me a camel toe. Sooooooo... Emu needs to think about what to do with this. If only I had a sewing machine. And the skills to use it.

I'm pretty convinced that Capital City Guy is lying to me all over the place about his dating life. Which is kinda dumb? I think? If he's just trying to spare my feelings it's not working, because he's not a great liar at all. And I'm kinda moving on from him anyway. In the sense that I'm still very in love with him but have accepted the fact that we shouldn't be together. There's a slight possibility that Prince Albert and I might start officially dating. I kinda almost feel like I owe the guy a chance. Plus he's gonna be spending a lot of time in Capital City over the next little while, and I'm just mighty fond of the guy. We'll see. We'll see.

But of course, my little heart still pines for Cute Emo Boy as well but that's another ship that has sailed, and I'm finally starting to accept it. Kinda. For some reason, though, today I kept thinking about what I considered to be our best date, where he took me to this nice pub in a part of town I hadn't been to and we drank and talked about our personal problems and found out how much we had in common... then had crazy drunken makeout sessions all the way back to my place. That was a good night. I'd like that to happen again pls k thx. But I accept it probably won't. At least not with him.

Supervising tomorrow and Friday at work. This is the first week they didn't actually ask me, though. I just knew it was fact. Gahh, this is not what I agreed to when I took the position. Not what I agreed to at all. Oh, the bullshit. The endless endless bullshit.

Oh hey, I bought a flask today too, cuz I'm apparently made of money and can afford to buy stupid shit like that. But, like... I've always wanted a flask. I thought they looked cool in movies and stuff. Alcoholism is so cool. And now I have one. So I can be a cool alcoholic too. If it weren't for the fact that I can barely do my job sober somedays, let alone drunk (oh, and also that whole risk of being fired thing), I'd fill her up with gin and take her to work with me.

Hmm. Might go to bed now. Not much worth staying awake for right now anyway.

2009-10-21 at 8:06 p.m.