Positive Thoughts For Chuckles!

Chuckles just found out she has cervial cancer, which is pretty much the last thing you want to hear when you are pregnant with a petit bebe. She is understandably devistated, and is going for tests next week to see how far or if the cancer has spread. And not a whole lot can be done about it right now because of her condition, so apparently they're going to perform a c-section a month before she's due (so there goes the chance of her having the baby on my birthday) so they can remove her cervix then see if she needs to start chemo. This poor poor girl, her telling me about this on MSN this morning made me bawl. She doesn't deserve this. I just hope to God that everything works out okay for her and the little one.

My life is going okay, although I've been emotional as hell the past couple days. And I can't even blame hormones for that. So I don't know what's going on. I was crying uncontrollably yesterday afternoon, then Capital City Guy picked me up so we could hang out for the evening and I bawled all the way to his place and for the first hour I was there. Dunno why. But then I got over it and was fine and tear free up until this morning's chat with Chuckles. Now I'm all weepy again.

Last night with Capital City Guy was fine. I haven't been feeling too well... I have a cold that is lingering but hasn't actually started yet. It's annoying as hell. I was originally going to go see that concert with Prince Albert last night but I just was not feeling it, I was feeling too crappy. Apparently it sucked, though, so I'm glad I didn't go. So instead I hung out at Capital City Guy's place, had a few beers (definitely the thing you should be drinking when you're sick...), watched a movie, and read a magazine. Then paaaaaaassed out. Good times.

Then I was going to meet up with Prince Albert this afternoon but I was drifting in and out of consciousness and when he called me he woke me up, so I sounded all croaky and disoriented, and he was like "You really do sound sick. You just take it easy, I'll be back next weekend and we can do something then." So... yeah. Kinda disappointing, but I was just so out of it.

Capital City Guy a couple days ago was telling me about his 2 possible plans for tonight... either go out drinking and dancing with a couple friends of his I don't really know, or go to see strippers with Cute Awkward Guy. I thought this was no contest. Apparently, though, he has chosen the first option. I'm all "Huh? YOU ARE NOT THE MAN I KNOW!" Cuz he's like me. Dancing? No. Strippers? BRING IT ON! So I dunno, maybe he's trying to prove something to himself again, that he's popular and normal and all this. He's annoying when he gets like this. Just be yourself. If you don't actually like dancing, whyyyyyyyyyyy are you going dancing? Fool.

I'm very tempted to order 17 Again on Video on Demand tonight, just because of my cougar crush on Zac Efron. Yeah, you know what? I think I will! And I don't care what none of y'all think!

Oh, and just one last note... man, work is lame. Everyone but the essential people (manager, receptionist, tech guys...) had to leave early yesterday because of nothing to do. And by "everyone", I mean me and the other backup supervisor because we were the only ones in there. Everyone else was told not to come in. And Monday's probably going to be the same deal, except my supervisor will be in so it's probably going to be even worse. I so didn't mind a 6 hour shift yesterday, though. I frolicked all the way home. It's a treat now that it doesn't happen allllllll the fucking time like it used to when I was the low man on the totem pole.

Anyways... yeah. Zac Efron? Yes please. I'm leaving.

2009-10-17 at 4:08 p.m.