Too Stupid To Be Alive, Sometimes...

Middle of the night entry! It's been a while. But I went and screwed up my sleeping pattern pretty well yesterday, so I'm not too surprised that I am, like, WIDE AWAKE right now.

So Beer Fest was this weekend, and I ended up going with Roomie because he got free tickets through his connections or whatever. And it was fun, but man I got fuckin' waaaaaaaaaaaasted and a series of bad decisions started rolling. I won't go into too many details but they did involve buying a $25 neon striped sock monkey, completely ditching Roomie downtown, leaving drunken and obscene voicemails and texts for Cute Emo Boy, meeting up with one of Giggles' old roommates, drinking with him in a field, then me passing out under a tree and arguing with him that I wanted to sleep outside when he woke me up in an attempt to take me home. So, yeah, it was all very interesting.

Then yesterday I was pretty hungover. Not too physically ill, luckily... other than almost throwing up in the shower. Mostly I was just not terribly hungry, EXTREMELY thirsty, and spent most of the day asleep. Could have been worse, I guess.

I wish I knew where my TV remote was. I would watch TV right now. But yesterday I searched for it a couple times with no luck. Lord only knows. I think I started throwing a lot of crap around when I got home on Saturday night. The place does look worse than I remember leaving it on Saturday afternoon.

So, yeah, and stuff. I dunno. It all could have been worse, definitely, but I'm still disturbed by how frickin' stupid I get when I'm drunk. And that sock monkey... I mean, I like sock monkeys but I'm not particularly fond of the colours on it... no doubt drunken me was just mesmorized by the brightness of it and just had to have it. Oh, and this was kind of the best part... at Beer Fest when I was standing around waiting for Roomie to get back from the bathroom, this woman just came up to me and started laughing in my face. When I was all "WTF?" she was like "I'm sorry, but surely you realize you are just too adorable to be here." I thought that was just kinda funny. Too adorable for Beer Fest... yep, that's me.

Blahhhhhh... okay I will attempt one more search for my remote control, then I will try to get some more sleep. Later, my pets.

2009-09-14 at 2:59 a.m.